Mythological Motifs.
References:Multiple creators.
Nature of the creator.
Animal as creator.
References:Creator's companions.
Characteristics of deity.
Omniscient god.
References:Deity: Miscellaneous motifs.
Origin of the gods.
Parents of the gods.
Birth of gods.
God from incestuous union.
Nature and appearance of the gods.
Monstrous gods
God monstrous as to head.
God unusual as to arms.
God with many arms.
References:God unusual as to color.
Black god (goddess).
References:Deity in human form (the human form is assumed in most mythologies).
Mutilated god.
Lame god.
Giant god.
Gods with unusual transportation.
References:God rides unusual animal.
References:God rides unusual horse.
Sleipnir: eight-legged horse of Odin.
References:Pictorial representations of gods.
Smith of the gods.
References:Daily life of the gods.
Home of the gods.
References:Food of the gods.
References:Animals of the gods.
References:Birds of the gods.
References:Precious properties of the gods.
References:Chariot of the gods.
References:Weapons of the gods.
Hammer of thunder god.
References:Mutual relations of the gods.
Combat between thundergod and devil.
Attendants and servants of the gods.
References:Animals as attendants of gods.
References:Messenger of the gods.
Animals as messengers of the gods.
Wild beasts as messengers of the gods.
Birds as messengers of the gods.
References:Watchman of the gods.
References:Mutual relations of the gods - miscellanous.
Deeds of the gods.
Gods ride through air.
References:God rides through air on wind-swift horse.
Gods in relation to mortals.
References:Deity cares for favorite individuals.
References:God helps mortal in battle.
References:Gods and men judge each other.
God as judge of men.
References:Gods: miscellaneous motifs.
Death or departure of the gods.
Departure of gods.
Deity controls elements.
References:Gods - additional motifs.
Gods of the upper world.
References:Other weather-gods.
Gods of the underworld.
Gods of the earth.
God of earth.
Local gods.
Gods of the Quarters.
References:God of vegetation.
God of trades and professions.
God of trades and professions - miscellanous.
Gods of abstractions.
God of beauty.
God of fate.
The Fates.
References:The Fates weave.
References:God of the arts.
Gods of youth and age.
God of youth.
God of love.
Goddess of chastity.
References:Miscellaneous gods of the earth.
Demigods and culture heroes.
Origin of culture hero (demigod).
Coming of culture hero (demigod).
Culture hero establishes law and order.
Culture hero (demigod) overcomes monsters.
References:Culture hero (divinity) returns.
Cosmogony and cosmology.
The universe.
Creation of the universe.
Creation of universe by crator.
References:Universe from parts of creator's body.
References:Spontaneous creation of universe.
Universe from congealed vapor.
References:Other means of creating the universe.
Nature of the universe.
The universe as a whole.
Series of upper worlds.
Seven heavens.
References:Worlds above and below.
References:Size and distances of the universe.
Nine days' fall from heaven to earth.
Nature of the upper world.
Heaven. A blissful upper world.
Support of the sky.
Four sky-columns.
Nature of the upper world - miscellaneous.
Nature of the lower world.
Hell. Lower world of torment.
References:Horrible sights in hell.
References:Rivers of blood in hell.
Miscellaneous worlds.
Islands of the blest.
References:Christian paradise.
References:World of serpents.
References:The heavens.
Creation of the heavenly bodies.
Heavenly bodies from objects thrown into sky.
References:Creation of the sky.
Origin and nature of clouds.
The sun.
Creation of the sun.
References:Nature and condition of the sun.
References:Sun as human being.
Sun and moon as man and woman.
Causes of eclipses.
The moon.
Creation of the moon.
Person transformed to moon.
References:Nature and condition of the moon.
Man in the moon.
Two children in moon with yoke and bucket.
References:Causes of moon's phases.
References:The stars.
Creation and condition of stars.
The heavenly lights.
Origin of the rainbow.
References:The earth.
Creation of the earth.
Primeval water.
Creation of earth by creator.
Earth from body of person (animal).
Support of the earth.
References:Nature and condition of the earth.
Earth square with four quarters.
References:Earth wheel-shaped.
Stream of paradise from roots of earth-tree.
References:Animals at earth-tree.
Chattering squirrel in the earth-tree.
References:Topographical features of the earth.
Water features.
Origin of the seas.
Origin of lakes.
References:Giant drinks up ocean.
References:Origin of dreams.
References:Various origins of rivers.
Rivers from mythical well.
References:Origin of other bodies of water.
Origin of springs.
References:Spring from striking earth with sword.
References:Spring breaks forth to commemorate experiences of hero (deity).
Spring breaks forth to commemorate place of death or burial.
References:Spring breaks forth at primitive hero's need.
Spring breaks forth through power of saint.
Land features.
Origin of the land.
Contours of land caused by plowing of goddews.
References:Origin of islands.
Island plowed out by goddess.
References:Creation of mountains (hills).
Mountains from primeval animal.
Indentions on rocks from imprint of gods and saints.
Rocks from transformation of people to stone.
References:Origin of particular stones or groups of stones.
Giant responsible for certain stones.
References:Origin of particular places.
Bridge of the gods.
References:Origin of particular places - miscellaneous.
Pile of stones (cairn) marks site of battle.
References:World calamities and renewals.
New race from single pair (or several) after world calamity.
References:Flood from tears.
Flood from urine.
References:Escape from deluge.
Behavior of stars at end of world.
Behavior of sun at end of world.
Sun devoured by monster at end of world.
References:Earth-disturbances at end of world.
Fettered monster's escape at end of world. Giant, or monster, is fettered in depths of the earth. His movement causes earthquakes. When he succeeds in freeing himself from the fetters and escaping, the world will end.
Fettering of underground monster.
Underground monster fettered by trick. Is persuaded to try on fetters.
References:Form of fettered monster.
Battle at end of world.
Battle of gods and monster at end of world.
World calamities and renewals: miscellaneous motifs.
Establishment of natural order.
Establishment of natural order.
The four ages of the world. A development of the present order through four stages or periods, the golden, silver, bronze, and iron ages, or the like.
Establishment of present order: waters.
Why the sea is salt.
Establishment of present order: winds.
Establishment of present order: weather phenomena.
Origin of clouds.
References:Origin of wintry weather.
Origin of thunder.
References:Cause of earthquakes.
References:Determination of seasons.
Origin of day.
Determination of night and day.
Creation and ordering of human life.
Creation of man.
Creation of man by creator.
References:Man made from creator's body.
References:Man from sweat of creator.
References:Man from spittle of creator.
Creation of man through evolution.
Mankind from unusual primeval mating.
Man made from mineral substance.
Man created from stones.
Man made from vegetable substance.
Mankind made from miscellaneous materials.
Primeval human pair.
References:Acquisition of culture.
Acquisition of crafts. #Ys# ch. 6.
Origin of fishing.
Origin of the net for fishing.
References:Acquisition of arts.
Origin of literary arts.
Origin of customs.
Origin of religious ceremonials.
Origin of other customs.
Distribution and differentiation of peoples.
Creation of animal life.
Creation of birds.
Origin of swan.
Animal characteristics.
various causes of animal characteristics.
Animal characteristics: change in ancient animal.
Animal characteristics: members bitten or cut off.
Causes of animal characteristics: body.
Animal characteristics: extremities.
Why animal has short tail.
References:Nature of animal's tail - miscellaneous.
Why king-salmon is thick around root of tail.
Origin of plant characteristics.
Plant characteristics as reward.
Plant blessed for pious act.
Miscellaneous explanations.
Mythical animals.
Origin of dragon.
Dragon from worm.
Form of dragon.
Dragon as compound animal.
Dragon as modified eagle.
References:Color of dragon.
Dragon spews venom.
References:Dragon's home beneath waterfall.
References:Dragon lives beneath tree.
References:Dragon's habits.
Flying dragon, »flugdreki«.
References:Deeds of dragons.
Dragon guards treasure.
References:Dragon flies away with lion.
References:Fight with dragon.
References:Animals with unusual limbs or members.
Animal unusual as to his horns.
References:Many-horned animal.
Three-horned deer.
Animals with unusual eyes.
Animal with human eyes (transformed man).
References:Animal unusual as to his nose.
Animals with unusual legs or feet.
Animal with many legs.
References:Devastating animals.
References:Devastating domestic animals.
Devastating wine.
Man-eating cattle.
Devastating wild animals.
Devastating tiger.
Hostile animals.
Hostile beasts.
Hostile dog (hound).
References:Other hostile animals.
Hostile sea-beasts.
References:Other mythical beasts.
References:Nectar-yielding cow.
References:The cow Auðhumla.
References:The goat Heiðrún.
Centaur: man-horse.
Man with (two) horns on his head.
References:Other combination of beast and man.
Mythical birds.
References:Mythical cock.
References:Giant birds.
The bird Gam.
Flying horse.
References:Mermaid marries man.
Mermaid warns of bad weather.
Appearance of mermaid.
Other mythical animals.
References:Magic animals.
Treasure animals.
Treasure animals.
Animals with members of precious metal.
Hind with golden horns.
Cow with silver horns.
Animal of precious metal.
Golden bird. Bird with golden feathers.
References:Golden horse.
References:Treasure-producing animals.
Treasure-giving goat.
References:Treasure-laying animals.
Animal beating precious ornaments.
References:Animal lying on treasure.
References:Treasure-producing parts of animals.
Animal with horn of plenty.
Animals with magic wisdom.
Wise animals.
Beasts with magic wisdom.
Bird with magic wisdom.
References:Birds as reporters of sights and sounds.
References:Truth-telling animals.
References:Bird of truth. A bird which reveals the truth.
References:Truth-speaking horse.
Truth-telling dog.
References:Prophetic animals.
References:Prophetic domestic beasts.
Prophetic bird.
Bird gives warning.
Prophetic fish.
References:Animals furnish omens.
Beasts furnish omens.
Beasts of ill-omen.
Bird of good omen.
Bird of ill-omen.
Eagle as bird of ill-omen.
References:Oracular animals.
Animal determines road to be taken.
References:Beast determines road to be taken.
Dog indicates road to be taken.
References:Bird determines road to be taken.
References:Dog indicates hidden treasure.
References:Location determined by halting of an animal.
Wisdom-giving animals.
Wisdom from serpent.
Wisdom from fish.
References:Other magic animals.
Magic birds, fish, reptiles, etc.
Magic bird.
References:Magic bird's song.
References:Magic reptile.
Magic serpent.
References:Magic quadrupeds.
References:Magic quadrupeds - canidae.
Magic bear.
References:Magic quadrupeds - ungulata.
Magic horse.
Magic horse travels on sea or land.
References:Magic cow.
References:Magic ox.
Magic swine.
Magic boar.
References:Magic goat.
References:Magic animals: miscellaneous motifs.
Animal as magician.
Animals with human traits.
Animals with human traits.
References:Speaking animals.
Animal uses human speech.
Speaking fish.
References:Animal whistles (sings, etc.).
Laughing animal.
References:Weeping animal.
References:Animal languages.
Bird language.
References:Animal language learned.
Animal languages learned from eating animal.
Animal kingdom (or community).
Animal kingdom - quadrupeds.
References:Kingdom of reptiles.
King of animals.
References:King of birds.
Various birds as king of birds.
Animal warfare.
Animal soldiers.
Cavalry of dogs.
Other animals with human traits.
Animal as messenger.
Bird as messenger.
References:Raven as devil's messenger.
References:Domestic beast as messenger.
Animal as servant to man.
References:Black cat as servant of giant.
Thief lives alone with 20 cats that help him keep intruders away.
References:Dog made king.
References:Friendly animals.
Helpful animals - general.
Helpful animal.
References:Faithful animal.
References:Faithful animal doesn't allow anybody to come near to master's corpse.
References:Faithful horse follows dead master to grave.
Faithful horse lies down in order that its mutilated master can mount it.
References:Faithful horse fights together with its master.
References:Faithful lion follows man who saved him.
Acquisition of helpful animal.
Helpful animals obtained by purchase or gift.
Reward of helpful animal.
Animal bribed for help.
Death of helpful animal.
Helpful animal killed by hero's enemy.
Grateful animals.
Kinds of helpful animals.
Helpful domestic beasts.
Helpful cat.
References:Helpful wild beasts.
Helpful wild beasts - felidae.
Helpful wild beasts - canidae and other carnivora.
Helpful birds.
References:Services of helpful animals.
Healing by animals.
Animal as healer.
Faithful horse pushes sleep thom out of its master's head, so that he awakes.
References:Animal warns of fatal danger.
Animals warn against attack.
References:Animal overcomes man's adversary.
Animals overcome man's adversary by strategy.
References:Animals nourish men.
Animals carry men.
Unusual animal as riding-horse.
References:Animals advise men.
References:Animals' advice leads man to wealth.
Animals direct man on journey.
References:Animals serve men.
Animals perform tasks for man.
Animals fight together with their master.
References:Animal as constant attendant of man.
Marriage of person to animal.
Marriage of person to animal.
References:Marriage of person to beast.
Offspring of marriage to animal.
Human foster-child with animal qualities.
Marriage to animal in human form.
Marriage to bird in human form.
Fanciful traits of animals.
Fanciful origin of animals.
Clever and swift horse of fanciful origin.
Clever and swift horse fed with worms' milk on the gold mountain Telli (Tecklen) in India.
References:The cow Auð(h)umla sprang from the dripping rime of the creation of the universe.
References:Fanciful bodily members of animals.
Fanciful marvelous strength of animals.
Lion's roar causes havoc at 300 miles.
Fanciful habits of animals.
References:Animal's fanciful treatment of their young.
The lion blows first life into its cubs three days after their birth.
References:Fanciful qualities of snakes.
References:Animals attracted by music.
Other fanciful traits of animals.
Wild animal miraculously tamed.
Venomous animals.
References:Miscellaneous animal motifs.
Elephanty in folk-tales.
References:Giant animals.
Giant beasts.
Giant domestic beasts.
Giant boar.
References:Giant wild beasts.
Giant elephant.
Tabu connected with supernatural beings.
Tabu: profanely calling up spirit.
The offended skull.
References:Sex tabu.
Sex tabu.
Tabu confined to one sex.
Tabu confined to women.
Eating and drinking tabu.
Tabu: eating in certain place.
Tabu: eating certain things.
Tabu: eating meat.
Tabu: eating certain parts of animals.
Tabu: eating at certain time.
Tabu: eating before certain time.
References:Tabu: drinking.
Looking tabu.
Tabu: looking at certain person or thing.
Tabu: man looking at woman.
Tabu: man looking at nude woman.
References:Speaking tabu.
Name tabu. Prohibition against uttering the name of a person or thing.
References:Tabu: uttering name of supernatural creature.
Tabu: disclosing own identity. A supernatural person must not tell who he is.
References:Other speaking tabus.
References:Tabu: touching.
Tabu: touching (miscellaneous).
Unique prohibitions and compulsions.
The one forbidden place.
Forbidden country.
References:The one compulsory thing. Unless one does this one thing, misfortune comes. (Sometimes one is under magic compulsion).
References:Miscellaeous tabus.
Tabus connected with otherworld journeys.
References:Tabu: attending toilet needs.
Tabu: cutting hair.
Tabu: cutting hair during certain time.
References:Time tabus.
Tabu: doing thing too often.
Tabu: too much weeping for dead.
References:Eating after one is satisfied.
Unclassified tabus.
Tabu: doing thing in certain manner.
References:Punishment for breaking tabu.
Sickness or weakness for breaking tabu.
Enchanted person.
Enchanted person cannot move.
References:Stepson cursed to stick in grave mound till pretty girl wants to substitute for him.
References:Enchanted castle (building).
References:Transformation: man to different man.
Transformation to person of different sex.
Transformation to person of different social class.
Transformation to humble person.
God in guise of mortal.
References:Girl exchanges form with sorceress in order to visit her brother and get a son by him.
References:Transformation to likeness of monster.
References:Magic changes in man himself.
Transformation in health.
Transformation to sick man.
References:Magic change of person's size.
References:Transformation: man to different man - miscellaneous.
Transformation: man to animal.
Transformation: god to animal.
References:Transformation: man to wild beast (mammal).
Transformation: man to feline animal (wild).
Transformation: man to canine animal (wild).
Transformation: man to ungulate (wild).
Transformation: man to bovine animal (wild).
Transformation: man to swine (wild).
Transformation: man to sea mammal.
Transformation: man to otter.
References:Transformation: man to domestic beast (mammal).
Transformation: man to cow (bull, calf, etc.).
References:Transformation: man to cat.
References:Transformation: man to bird.
References:Transformation: man to crow.
References:Transformation: man to magpie.
Transformation: man to bird-falconiform.
Transformation: girl to falcon.
Transformation: man to bird of anatidae group (duck).
Transformation: man to gallinaceous bird.
Transformation: man to chicken (cock, hen).
Transformation: man to fish.
References:Transformation: man to insect.
Transformation: man to diptera.
Transformation: man to reptiles and miscellaneous animals.
Transformation: man to serpent (snake).
References:Transformation: man to other animals than those already treated.
Transformation: man to dragon.
References:Transformation: man to object.
Transformation: to a vegetable form.
Transformation: man to a mineral form.
Transformation: man to manufactured object.
References:Transformation: animal to person.
Transformation: bird to person.
Transformation: swan to person.
Other forms of transformation.
Transformation: object to animal.
Transformation: manufactured object to animal.
Transformation: parts of animal or human body to animal.
Transformation: object to object.
Transformed parts of person or animal to object.
Transformation: bread to another object.
References:Transformation: material of object changed.
Transformation: object to stone.
Transformation: object becomes wine.
Size of object transformed.
References:Compressible objects.
References:Means of transformation.
Transformation through power of the word.
Transformation by putting on skin, clothing, etc.
Transformation by removing chains from neck.
References:Transformation by eating or drinking.
Transformation by eating.
Transformation by eating fruit.
Transformation by eating apple.
References:Transformation by eating flesh.
References:Transformation by various means.
Transformation by teaching.
Transformation by kiss.
References:Transformation by striking.
Transformation by sunlight.
References:Transformation by magic object.
Miscellaneous transformation incidents.
Transformation combat. Fight between contestants who strive to outdo each other in successive transformations.
Men transformed to animals fight.
References:Periodic transformation. A person or thing is transformed at definite intervals.
References:Daily transformation.
Transformation and disenchantment at will.
References:Size changed at will.
References:Person changes size at will.
References:Size of object changed at will.
Reasons for voluntary transformation.
References:Transformation to travel to otherworld.
References:Transformation to defeat enemies.
References:Transformation to steal.
References:Transformation to seduce.
References:Transformation of animal to woman to seduce man.
Miscellaneous reasons for voluntary transformation.
Transformation to act as helpful animal.
Motive for transformation of others.
Magic flight.
Transformation flight.
References:Obstacle flight. Fugitives throw objects behind them which magically become obstacles in pursuer's path.
References:Miscellaneous circumstances of transformation.
Partial transformation.
Partial transformation: animal with human mind.
Animal with human eyes.
References:Transformation by magician.
Partial disenchanment.
Disenchantment with missing member.
Cat's paw cut off: woman's hand missing.
References:Disenchantment by removing (destroying) covering of enchanted person.
Disenchantment by removing skin (or covering).
References:Disenchantment by submission. The helper must submit to the will of the enchanted person.
References:Disenchantment by miscellaneous means.
Disenchantment by reversing (undoing) enchantment.
Disenchantment by removing cause of enchantment.
References:Magic objects.
Ownership of magic objects.
Acquisition of magic object.
Magic object received from supernatural being.
Magic object received from lady in dream.
References:Magic object received from giant giantess).
References:Magic object received from relative.
Magic object received from man in return for rescue of child.
Magic object received from dwarf in return for rescue of child or kindness to child.
References:Magic object acquired by trickery.
Magic object taken from barrow.
References:Magic object found.
Magic object found in underground room.
Magic object found - miscellaneous.
Magic object pointed out by bird.
Magic stone found in bird's nest or stomach.
References:Magic object otherwise obtained.
Magic object obtained - miscellaneous means.
Kinds of magic objects.
Magic weather phenomena.
References:Magic rain.
References:Magic storm (»gerningahríð«, »galdrahrið«, »kyngiveðr«).
References:Magic body of water.
Magic fountain.
References:Magic well.
References:Magic spring.
References:Magic land features.
References:Magic rock (stone).
References:Stones produced by magic.
References:Magic mountain.
References:Magic forests.
Magic tree.
References:Magic leaf.
References:Magic thorn.
References:Magic gardens and plants.
Magic plant.
References:Magic mistletoe.
References:Magic fruits and vegetables.
Magic fruit.
References:Magic vegetable.
Magic bodily members - human.
Magic head.
References:Magic eye.
References:Magic spittle.
References:Magic blood - human.
References:Magic tears.
References:Magic bodily members - animal.
Magic animal head.
Magic internal organs of animal.
References:Magic heart of animal.
Magic dragon heart.
References:Magic wolf heart.
References:Magic skin of animal.
References:Magic food.
References:Magic vegetable (as food).
References:Magic honey.
References:Blood as magic drink.
References:Magic beer.
References:Magic ale.
References:Magic clothes.
References:Magic cloth.
References:Magic garment (robe, tunic).
References:Magic mantle (clock).
References:Magic shirt.
References:Magic belt.
References:Magic veil.
References:Magic footwear.
Magic glove.
References:Magic head-wear.
References:Magic hood.
Magic cowl.
References:Magic ornaments.
References:Magic jewel (jewels).
References:Magic ring.
References:Magic knife.
References:Magic spear.
References:Magic lance.
References:Magic bow.
References:Magic hammer.
References:Magic armor.
References:Magic helmet.
References:Magic conveyances.
References:Magic buildings and parts.
References:Magic tent.
References:Magic door.
References:Magic furniture.
Magic seat.
References:Magic table.
References:Magic carpet.
References:Magic light.
Magic mirror.
References:Magic utensils and implements.
Magic vessel.
References:Magic cauldron.
References:Magic cup.
References:Magic drinking horn.
References:Magic bottle.
References:Magic match.
Magic fire-steel.
References:Magic key.
References:Magic purse.
References:Magic bag (sack).
References:Miscellaneous utensils and implements.
Magic hammer.
References:Magic game board (chess-board).
References:Magic musical instruments.
References:Magic clarinet.
Magic waters and medicines.
References:Magic fluid.
Magic water.
References:Magic potion.
References:Magic salve (ointment).
References:Miscellaneous magic objects.
Magic metal.
Magic gold.
References:Magic wand.
References:Magic book.
References:Magic writings (runes).
References:Magic statue (doll).
References:Magic ashes.
References:Magic circle.
References:Magic formula (charm).
References:Magic numbers.
References:Magic song.
References:Magic hymn.
References:Function of maglc objects.
Magic object gives supernatural wisdom.
Magic well of wisdom.
References:Stone gives magic wisdom.
References:Magic object gives supernatural information.
Magic object used for divinatian.
References:Divination by head (skull).
References:Divination by magic weapon.
Oracular ring.
References:Magic object points out road.
References:Seat-pillars thrown in the sea (with god's image) indicate where to settle.
References:Magic ring permits owner to learn person's secret thoughts.
Magic object warns of danger.
References:Magic object reveals guilt.
References:Dead fish reveals guilt.
Laughing fish reveals unjust judgment.
References:Magic cloth reveals guilt.
References:Magic object gives clairvoyance.
References:Magic object works physical change.
Magic object affects eyesight.
Magic object gives magic sight.
Magic object blinds.
Object gives magic strength.
Magic object gives weakness.
Magic food gives weakness.
Magic object rejuvenates.
References:Magic drink rejuvenates.
Rejuvenation by fruit.
Magic object makes person old.
Magic object gives invulnerability.
References:Magic garment renders invulnerable.
References:Magic shirt (cloak, armor) gives invulnerability.
References:Magic object gives immortality.
References:Magic object produces fecundity.
Magic object produces miscellaneous physical changes in person or things.
Magic object produces immunity from hunger and thirst.
Magic object changes person's disposition.
Magic object has peaceful influence.
References:Love-producing magic object.
References:Love-producing music.
Magic love-philtre.
References:Magic object represses lust.
Magic object make: person cruel.
Eating ferocious animal's heart makes person cruel.
References:Eating courageous animal's heart makes courageous.
Eating dragon's heart makes courageous.
References:Magic object effects temporary change in person.
Magic object renders invisible.
References:Magic mist of invisibility.
References:Magic cloak of invisibility.
Saint's tunic renders invisible.
Helmet renders invisible.
References:Magic wand renders invisible.
Fruit causes magic sleep.
Wand causes magic sleep.
References:Music causes magic sleep.
References:Object causes magic forgetfulness.
References:Food causes magic forgetfulness.
References:Magic object causes memory.
Magic object causes insanity.
Magic object causes illusions.
References:Magic object causes (or removes) temporary growths.
Magic object causes horns to grow on person.
Magic object produces miscellaneous temporary changes in persons, animals, or objects.
Magic object controls person's will.
Magic object protects.
References:Head of divinity as protection of land. Buried.
References:Magic jewel protects.
References:Magic object protects from attack.
Magic garment protects against attack.
References:Garment proof against all but man's own sword.
References:Magic shirt protects from attack.
References:Stone necklace protects from attack.
References:Magic armor protects from attack.
Magic object protects against cold or burning.
References:Song protects from fire.
Magic hymn protects from fire.
Magic cowl protects from fire.
Magic cowl protects from cold.
Magic object protects from poison.
References:Magic object protects from discomfort or from accident on journey.
Charms prevent fatigue.
Magic object protects from evil spirits.
References:Magic object preserves chastity.
Magic object protects from drowning.
References:By means of magic bag it is possible to stay on the bottom of the sea as long as one wants.
References:By means of magic helmet it is possible to stay on the bottom of the sea as long as one wants.
References:Magic object affords miscellaneous protection.
Magic hymn protects against poverty, death, and dishonor.
Leek put under the tongue of supposed dead person preserves him from harm by burial.
References:Magic object rescues person.
Magic object helps fugitive.
Magic object frees person from prison.
References:Magic object overcomes person.
Magic object conquers enemies.
Magic sword conquers enemy.
References:Magic object cudgels person.
Magic object kills.
References:Magic weapon kills.
Magic sword kills man.
Magic object helps gambler win.
Magic object renders weapon useless.
References:Magic object compels person to dance.
References:Magic object draws person (thing) to it.
References:Magic object summons helper.
References:Magic object summons genie.
Magic object furnishes treasure.
References:Parts of human body furnish treasure.
Treasure from tears.
Magic ornament provides treasure.
Miscellaneous objects furnish treasure.
Worshipped sex organ of horse provides money, etc.
References:Magic object as provider.
References:Magic wishing-object.
Provisions received from magic object.
Supplies from magic table.
References:Food and drink from magic object.
Food or drink received directly from magic object.
Magic table supplies food and drink.
Magic object controls disease.
References:Magic object heals diseases.
Sacred healing stone.
References:Magic healing blood.
Saint's possessions cure desease.
Saint's girdle as magic cure.
References:Holy water as remedy.
References:Magic object causes disease.
Magic object assists woman in childbearing.
References:Magic object cures particular diseases.
Magic object cures leprosy.
Magic potion cures leprosy.
References:Magic object heals wound.
Wound healed by wounding weapon.
Magic object cures blindness.
References:Magic water restores sight.
Magic object restarts speech.
References:Magic object affords miraculous transportation.
References:Magic transportation by ring.
Miraculous speed from magic object.
Ship with miraculous speed.
Magic object controls the elements.
Magic white, red, and yellow stone causes hail, sunshine or fire, according to which side is scratched.
References:Magic object controls stomu.
Magic object raises storm.
Magic fountain causes storm (rain).
References:Magic object controls sea.
Magic object controls heavenly bodies.
Magic object controls sun.
Hat which turns the sun.
References:Magic object controls elements: miscellaneous.
Waters magically divide and close.
References:Mountains or rocks open and close.
Mountain opens and lets ship on wheels out, permitting magician's escape.
References:Magic object performs other services for owner.
Magic object confers miraculous powers (luck).
Magic object brings luck.
Magic object controls condition of soil.
Magic object makes soil fertile.
Magic object splits or cuts things.
Magic weapon (sword, axe) cuts hair.
References:Magic object controls fire.
References:Magic object sets things afire.
Magic object produces fountain.
Magic object saves corpse from corruption.
References:Characteristics of magic objects.
Automatic object.
Object labors automatically.
References:Automatic weapon.
Self-playing musical instruments.
Self-ringing bell.
References:Self-returning magic object.
References:Stones, being removed, return to their places.
References:Magic speaking objects.
References:Speaking weapon.
Speaking sword.
Speaking clothes.
Magic writings on stone cause corpse to answer for absent man.
References:Tell-tale magic objects.
Magic automata.
Automatic statue of man (Golem).
References:Other automatic objects.
Severed head moves from place to place.
References:Self-luminous objects.
Magic flaming arms.
References:Other characteristics of magic objects.
Magic object obeys master alone.
References:Inexhaustible object. Keeps magically renewing itself or expanding.
Inexhaustible food.
Inexhaustible meat.
Inexhaustible pig.
Inexhaustible milk.
Goat with inexhaustible milk.
References:Infallible article.
Infallible weapon.
Infallible sword, i.e. is always victorious and bites even iron and stone, etc.
References:Immovable object.
References:Immovable weapan.
Corpse in coffin refuses to be moved in wagon.
References:Magic object works in contrary fashions.
References:Magic powers and manifestations.
Possession and means of employment of magic powers.
Possession of magic powers.
References:God or demigod as magician.
King as magician.
References:People of certain place as magicians.
Finns (or Fins or »Bjarmar«) as magicians.
References:Magic power of hermit (saint).
References:Magic power of dying man's words.
References:Possession of magic powers - miscellaneous.
Magic power of holy cross.
References:Acquisition of magic powers.
Magic power received in dream.
Song learned in dream.
References:Acts producing magic power.
Means of producing magic power.
References:Magic results produced by religious ceremony.
Magic results from sign of the cross.
References:Magic results from lettering powerful name.
Magic results produced in name of deity.
Sympathetic magic cf. #Ldb# ch. 330.
Cure for leprosy by drinking from opposite lip of horn from that which caused it.
References:Magic turned against the makers, so that they are bewildered and kill themselves.
References:Magic telepathy.
References:Magic results from bathing.
References:Magic results from curse.
References:Magic results from eating or drinking.
References:Manifestations of magic power.
Lasting magic qualities.
Magic knowledge.
Magic knowledge of saints and holy men.
Warning in dreams.
References:Magic wisdom from eating or drinking.
References:Magic power of prophecy.
References:Foreknowledge of hour of death.
References:Saints have foreknowledge of coming of guests.
Power of prophecy induced.
Means of learning future.
Future revealed in dream.
References:Omens from flight of birds.
References:Magic manifestation as omen.
References:Weather sign.
Prodigy as evil omen.
References:Blood (in dream) as omen of killing.
References:Bad dream as evil omen.
References:Moon furnishes omen.
Dream shows events in distant place.
References:Magic advice.
Magic knowledge of strange tongues.
References:Magic discovery of desired place.
References:Magic detection of crime.
Magic sight and hearing.
References:Means of acquiring magic sight.
References:Magic sight by looking in certain place.
Magic sight by standing alone for three days.
References:Kinds of magic sight.
Magic power to see invisible creatures.
Magic power to see concealed things.
References:Magic strength.
Magic strength resides in hair.
Other means of acquiring magic strength.
Magic weakness.
Magic invulnerability.
References:Invulnerability from certain things.
Man proof against iron, stone, and wood.
References:Invulnerability through bathing in dragon's blood.
References:Death postponed if substitute can be found.
References:Death evaded.
Hero (saint) taken to Paradise (Heaven) alive.
References:Magic hideousness.
References:Magic rejuvenation.
References:Miscellaneous means of rejuvenation.
Rejuvenation by changing skin.
References:Magic aging.
Means of inducing love.
Other permanent magic characteristics.
Temporary magic characteristics.
Means of inducing magic sleep.
Snakes put to sleep by music on harp.
References:Person in magic sleep surrounded by protecting fire.
References:Certain persons invisible.
Magic forgetfulness.
References:Means of bringing about magic forgetfulness.
Forgetfulness by drinking.
References:Years thought days.
Moments thought years.
References:Magic dumbness.
Causes of magic dumbness.
Magic recovery of speech.
References:Other temporary magic characteristics.
Magic illusion.
References:Magician makes people lift garments to avoid wetting in imaginary river.
References:Hideous person magically makes self seem beautiful.
Magician appears as swineherd, dwarf, and giant in order to seduce queen and scorns her later in the same shapes.
References:Magician appears as beggar or old man in order to free prisonerr.
References:Son made to appear to pursuers as spinning wheel, buck, and hog.
References:Lonesome wife scares robbers by making it appear that her husband is at home.
References:Enemy's last arrow made to appear crooked so that he does not use it, and adversary gets time to kill him.
References:Person appears to be in several places at once.
References:Magical heaviness.
References:Destructive magic powers.
Death or bodily injury by magic.
References:Magical murder.
References:Means employed in magical murder.
Maiming by magic.
Flesh magically does not regrow.
References:Tormenting by magic.
Magic insanity.
References:Evil eye covered with seven veils.
Evil eye covered with bag or hide while owner is killed, especially stoned (cf. Q422).
References:Sword made magically helpless.
References:Attracking by magic.
References:Magic means of attacking.
Genie called by writing his name on papers and burning them.
Magic used against property.
Sword magically dulled.
References:Men disappear every night.
References:Other destructive magic powers.
Magician shoots an arrow of each finger against enemy.
References:Man caused to sink into mud.
References:Miscellaneous destructive magical powers.
Other manifestations of magic power.
Magic wealth.
References:Magical multiplication of objects by saint (holy man).
References:Magical multiplication of objects by saints.
Magic transportation.
References:Magic journey.
Magic journey in cloud.
Magic journey in whirl of snow.
References:Journey with magical speed.
References:Magical journey over water.
Magical transportation by waves.
References:Magical air journey.
References:Objects magically moved.
References:Magic control of the elements.
References:Control of weather by saint's prayers.
References:Storm produced by magic.
References:Winds controlled by magic.
References:Wind produced by magic.
References:Magical control of cold and hent.
Miscellaneous musical manifestations.
Magical control over animal;
References:Magical control of soil and crops.
Magic healing power.
References:Magic cure of physical defect.
Blindness magically cured.
References:Methods of magical cure.
Disease cured by same thing (person) that caused it.
Wound healed by same spear that caused it.
References:Cure by holy man.
References:Magic defense in battle.
Magic reinforcements. Hero's followers magically multiplied or new army conjured up.
References:Corpse magically saved from corruption.
References:Magic singing.
References:Magic dancing.
References:Exorcising by magic.
References:Lice banned by magic. cf. V229.3.
Magic dominance of animals.
Resuscitation by rough treatment.
References:Resuscitation by arrangement of members.
Resuscitated eaten animal.
References:Resuscitation with missing member.
References:Resuscitation by music.
Resuscitation by magic object.
Apparently dead persons revived when certain thing happens.
References:Water of life.
References:Resuscitation by medicines.
Resuscitation by herbs (leaves).
References:Other means of resuscitation.
Resuscitation by supernatural person.
Circumstances of resuscitation.
Periodic resuscitation.
Resuscitation impossible after certain length of time.
Dead body incorruptible.
References:Ghosts and other revenants.
Malevolent return from the dead.
Return from dead to inflict punishment.
Ghosts punish intruders into mass (procession) of ghosts.
References:Other malevolent revenants.
References:Ghost rides on man's back.
References:Ghost brings disaster on sailors.
References:Friendly return from the dead.
References:Dead relative's friendly return.
References:Dead mother's friendly return.
Return from dead to repay obligation.
The grateful dead. #Reykd# ch. 19.
Other reasons for friendly return from the dead.
Return from dead to give counsel.
References:Ghosts bestow gifts on living.
References:Return from dead to teach living.
References:Ghost summoned.
References:Ghosts summoned by sacred book.
References:Other means of summoning ghost.
Ghosts summoned by calling them by name.
References:Reasons for summoning of ghosts.
References:Ghost summoned in order to talk to it.
Ghost summoned to get something from it.
Father summoned to get his sword.
References:Ghosts and revenants - miscellaneous.
The unquiet grave.
References:Person under religious ban cannot rest in grave.
References:Person otherwise killed by accident cannot rest in grave.
References:Appearance of revenant.
Luminous ghosts.
References:Flames issue from corpse's mouth.
References:Body of living corpse.
Headless revenant.
Revenant in animal form.
References:Revenant as wild animal.
Revenant as seal.
References:Revenant in human form.
Revenant as woman.
Precautions at funeral against revenant.
References:Decapitating in order to prevent return.
References:Head of beheaded man separated from body.
References:Corpse buried under stone so that sun will not shine on him again.
Corpse burned to prevent return.
References:Ghosts placated by sacrifices.
References:Magic protection against revenants.
References:Ghost laid under stone.
References:Other protection against revenants.
Ghost exorcized and laid.
References:Ghost killed and thus finally laid.
Ghost finds rest when certain thing happens.
Revenant in conflict.
Fight of revenant with living person.
References:Intimate relations of dead and living.
Abode of the dead.
Old woman ruler of dead in lower world.
References:Land of dead in one of the cardinal directions.
Icy inferno.
References:King of world of dead.
References:Land of shades. Everything is done by unseen people.
References:Meetings of the dead.
Fighting warriors show the way of their past life and of their death.
References:Phantom hosts.
Miscellaneous actions of revenants.
External soul.
Soul in plant.
References:Soul in stone.
References:Soul (or life) kept in special part of body.
Soul (life) in the blood.
References:Soul (life) in the heart.
Soul leaves or enters the body.
Souls of human beings seen in dream: as »fylgja« or »hamingja«.
References:Soul journeys from the body.
Soul in form of mammal.
Soul in form of bear.
References:Soul in form of reptile.
Soul in form of fish.
References:Soul in form of mythical animal.
Other form of the soul.
Soul as object.
Soul as fruit.
The soul as a guardian spirit, »fylgja«, »hamingja«, »(spá)dís«.
References:Perils of the soul.
Saved souls.
Saved soul goes to heaven.
Souls of warriors go to Valhalla.
References:Destination of the soul.
Souls in hell.
References:Life Index. Object or animal has mystic connection with person. Changes in one correspond to change in the other.
Life-token. Object (animal, person) has mystic connection with the life of a person, so that changes in the life-token indicate changes in the person, usually disaster or death.
lood as life-token.
Life-token: earth, water, or blood in footprint. Earth: dead by disease; water: drowned; blood: killed in battle.
References:Life dependent on external object or event.
One person's life dependent on another's.
References:Vital bodily members. They possess life independent of the rest of the body.
Eyes successfully replaced.
Limbs successfully replaced.
References:Vital head.
Otherworld journeys.
The lower world.
Journey to lower world.
References:Door (gate) entrance to lower world. cf. A671.5.
Boat to lower world.
References:Ferryman to lower world.
References:Miscellaneous otherworlds.
Location of otherworld.
Otherworld in hollow mountain.
References:Bounds of otherworld.
Water barrier to otherworld. Cf. A657.
Access to otherworld.
Bridge to otherworld guarded by animals.
References:Materials of bridge to otherworld.
Nature of otherworld.
Landscape of otherworld.
References:Rivers in otherworld.
References:Buildings in otherworld.
References:Castle in otherworld.
Tower in otherworld.
Characteristics of otherworld dwellings.
Doors in otherworld.
References:Furniture and objects in otherworld.
Magic objects in otherworld.
References:Inhabitants of otherworld.
References:Animals in otherworld.
References:King of otherworld.
References:Otherworld - miscellaneous motifs.
Extraordinary sights in otherworld.
References:Otherworld king.
References:Marvellous creatures.
Fairies and elves.
Fairyland under hollow knoll.
References:Dwelling of fairies.
House of fairy.
Fairy house disappears at dawn.
References:Appearance of fairies.
References:Color of fairy.
Transformed fairy.
Visibility of fairies.
Possessions of fairies.
Fairies' conveyances.
Fairy car.
Glass car.
References:Other characteristics of fairies.
Government of fairies.
Fairy queen.
References:Extraordinary powers of fairies.
Extraordinary physical powers of fairies.
Fairies possess extraordinary strength.
References:Behavior of fairies.
Fairies dance.
References:Fairies as laborers.
References:Fairies work on cloth.
Fairies and mortals.
Marriage or liaison with fairy.
Fairy wooes mortal man.
References:Fairy mistress and mortal wife.
Fairy mistress leaves man when he breaks birth.
References:Sexual relations with fairy.
Offspring of fairy and mortal.
References:Fairies and human children.
Fairy's curse partially overcome by another fairy's amendment.
Fairy's (»völva«'s) curse partially overcome by her own amendment after being appeased.
References:Fairy steals child from cradle.
Fairies steal man's wife and carry her to fairyland.
Grateful fairies.
Fairy grateful to human midwife.
References:Fairy grateful to mortal for saving his life.
Gifts from fairies.
References:Other presents from fairies.
References:Fairy gives man horses, cattle, etc.
Theft from fairies.
Fairy's revenge.
Fairies take revenge on person who spies on them.
References:Fairy takes revenge for slaying of his relatives.
References:Fairies steal.
Visit to fairyland.
References:Fairies take human nurse to attend fairy child.
Defeating or ridding oneself of fairies.
Getting rid of fairies.
Spirits and demons.
Spirits and demons (general).
Good spirits.
Spirits help mortal. Familiar spirits.
Form of familiar spirit.
Means of summoning spirits.
References:Means of combating spirits.
References:Form and appearance of water-spirits.
Water-spirit as woman (water-nymph, water-nix).
Water-spirits in abnormal form.
Dress of water-spirits.
Color of water-spirit's clothes.
Home of water-spirits.
Deeds and actions of water-spirits.
Kind water-spirits.
Water-spirits protect and warn sailor against storm and in tempest.
Water-spirits lure mortal into water.
Water-spirit turns boat in circle.
Water-spirit holds ship back.
References:Other actions of water-spirits.
Marriage of water-spirits.
Marriage or liason of mortals and water-spirits.
Water-maiden goes to home of mortal and marries.
Underground spirits.
References:Appearance of dwarf.
References:Dress of dwarf.
Characteristics of dwarfs.
Dwarf rendered powerless.
Dwarf prevented from getting into his stone before sunrise till he promises to do what hero demands (esp. to forge weapons).
References:Dwarfs made invisible by magic taps.
References:Dwarfs as workmen.
References:Dwarfs as smiths.
References:Dwarfs are intelligent.
Burial places (barrows, howes) as homes of dwarfs.
References:Snow melts above dwarf's dwelling.
References:Dwarfs live in hills and mountains.
References:Dwarfs live in stones.
References:Dwarfs have homes above the ground.
Home of dwarfs is endangered or destroyed.
Dwarfs request that cow stable be moved because it is above their home and the seepage strikes their dining table.
References:Dwarfs and human beings.
Helpful dwarfs.
References:Dwarfs' gold.
References:Money or treasure given by dwarfs.
References:Dwarfs curse weapons and treasures which they are forced to give (see F451., or which the receiver doesn't appreciate.
References:Mortal goes to land of dwarfs.
Dwarfs suspend large millstone on a thin thread.
References:Dwarfs associate with mortals.
Dwarfs and Christianity.
References:Dwarfs invisibly attend wedding or christening feasts of mortals.
References:Other actions of dwarfs.
Dwarf caught by beard in cleft of tree.
References:Names for dwarfs.
Dwarfs emigrate.
Why dwarfs emigrate.
Dwarfs and other supernatural beings.
Home of trolls.
References:Appearance of trolls.
Trolls are usually ugly, hideous, big, and strong.
References:Characteristic activities of trolls.
Trolls skillful as smiths.
References:Trolls ride.
Trolls ride on men and cattle.
References:Trolls and men.
Trolls as the constant enemies of human beings.
References:People possessed by trolls.
References:Offspring of trolls.
References:Mountain-spirits. Many of the motifs handled under Fairies and Elves (F200-399) belong also under Mountain-spirits.
Appearance of mountain-men.
Mountain-wife has breasts so long that she throws them over her shoulder.
References:Relation of mountain-men and human beings.
Malevolent mountain-men.
References:Mountain-folk steal from peasant.
References:Dream demons.
Other spirits and demons.
References:Remarkable persons.
Person unusual as to his head.
Headless person with eyes (eye) and mouth on breast. Heimslýsing in #Hb# 166;
References:Person with more than one head.
References:Six-headed man.
References:Persons whose heads are stone-hammers.
References:Person unusual as to his eyes.
References:Person with one eye.
References:Person unusual as to his mouth.
Person unusual as to his teeth.
References:Person unusual as to his nose.
References:Person unusual as to his arms.
People with many arms.
References:Person unusual to his legs.
Person unusual as to his feet.
References:Persons with tails.
References:Red person.
Red knight.
References:Blue man, Old Norse »blámaðr«.
References:Black man.
References:Half white and half red man.
References:Other monstrous persons.
Boneless person.
References:Exeptionally large or small men.
Beauty of giant.
Eyes of giant.
Giant with one eye in middle of forehead.
References:Head of giant.
Feet (legs) of giant.
References:Lips of giant.
Breasts of giantess.
References:Other bodily characteristics of giant.
Giant with teeth like those of saw.
Giant (giantess) with peculiar nose.
References:One-armed giant.
Giant with unusual heart.
Giant with stone heart.
References:Giantess with a tail (many tails).
References:Color of giant.
Black giant (giantess).
References:Fire giants.
References:Giants and giantesses dressed as human beings.
References:Extremely tall giant.
Giant fifteen feet tall, with three feet between the eyes.
References:Giant with three spans between brows and three yards between shoulders.
Extremely fat giant.
Gargantuan feats.
Giant steps prodigious distance.
Giantess steps so heavily during fighting that she sinks into the earth to the knees.
References:Giants' shouts are storms or great noise.
Giantess sings so that it gives echo in all cliffs.
References:Gigantic possessions of giant.
Giant's enormous weapons.
Giant with iron club (gadclub) as weapon.
References:Giant with iron bar as weapon.
References:Giant's clothes.
Giant's enormous animals.
Giants and men.
References:Giant friendly to man.
References:Giant carries man in his pocket (glove, bosom).
Giants and Christians.
Other giant motifs.
Origin of giants.
Haunts of giants.
Giants in »Risaland« or »Jotunheimar« without nearer definition.
References:Giants live in mountains or caves.
References:Giants live under sea.
Giants live in the utmost north (west).
References:Giants as controllers of the elements.
References:Giants by night move buildings built by men in day.
References:Giant's treasure.
Giant obtains treasure from man.
Mutual relation of giants.
Giants' social relations.
Other occupations of giants.
Antipathies of giants.
References:Disappearanee or death of giants.
Giant slain by man.
References:Graves of giants.
Giants and other supernatural beings.
Giants and gods in fight.
References:Attendants of the giants.
References:Other acts of giants.
Remarkable physical organs.
Remarkable eyes.
References:Flashing eyes.
Remarkable nose.
References:Remarkably long nose.
Long nose used as poker.
References:Remarkable mouth.
Remarkable breast.
Remarkable sexual organs.
Remarkable feet.
References:Feet with unusual number of toes.
References:Remarkable hands.
References:Hands with unusual fingers.
Fingers of saint give light or fire.
References:Gold hair, or: hair like gold.
References:Very long hair.
Remarkable voice.
References:Unusual manner of life.
Person never sleeps.
King sleeps for six days and acquires after that magic wisdom.
References:Women warriors or hunters.
Amazons. Woman warriors. Icelandic: »skjaldmær«.
References:Other extraordinary human beings.
Extremely old person.
References:Person hundreds of years old.
References:Poison damsel.
Persons with extraordinary powers.
Person with extraordinary powers.
Remarkably strong man. (Strong John).
References:Warrior of special strength (berserk).
References:Invulnerable berserk.
References:Twelve berserks.
References:Fighting with berserks.
References:Fighting with twelve berserks (tröll).
References:Berserk killed in combat about maiden.
References:Man with strength of many men.
Strong man so heavy that only his own horse can carry him.
References:Strong man's birth and rearing.
Strong man's birth.
Strong man son of bear who has stolen his mother.
References:Strong man son of man and mare.
Strong man accused of being son of man and mare.
References:Strong hero acquires his strength.
Hero's precocious strength.
References:Strong hero sent from home.
Strong man's labors.
References:Strong man uses rafter (»rótakylfa«, »kylfa«) as weapon.
References:Strong man as rower: breaks boat.
References:Strong man throws trees on roof and breaks it.
Strong hero hits cart.
Strong man as mighty slayer.
Strong man kills animals with own hands.
Strong man kills lion with own hands.
Strong man kills bear.
References:Man holds bear with own hands, till it is killed. Skioldus:
References:Strong man carries huge beam.
References:Strong men knock on door with beam of twenty elbow-lengths.
References:Mighty fisherman.
References:Person of remarkable hearing.
Remarkable skill.
References:Skillful marksman.
References:Other marvelous powers.
Sparks come from man's feet.
References:Marvelous swimmer.
References:Marvelous ballplayer.
References:Extraordinary places and things.
Extraordinary places.
Countries with one conspicous lack.
References:Other extraordinary countries.
References:Extraordinary bodies of water.
References:Extraordinary pond (lake).
References:Extraordinary fountain.
References:Extraordinary pool.
Submarine and subterranean world.
Subterranean world.
References:Habitable hill.
References:Underground treasure chambers.
References:Submarine world.
References:Extraordinary mountains and other land features.
References:Mountain of treasure.
References:Mountain of gold.
References:Living mountain.
Speaking mountain.
References:Extraordinary mountains and valleys - miscellaneous.
References:Hill on which snow always melts.
References:Extraordinary buildings and furnishings.
References:Extraordinary castle (house, palace).
References:Castle of unusual material.
Silver castle.
References:Castle of fire.
References:Castle (house) with extraordinary support.
Extraordinary location of castle.
Castle at middle point of earth.
References:Underground house.
References:Inhabitants of extraordinary castle.
Extraordinary guard for castle.
Extraordinary rooms.
Extraordinary number of rooms.
Extraordinary doors and windows.
References:Extraordinary rocks and stones.
References:Extraordinary trees, plants, fruit, etc.
References:Extraordinary tree.
Trees of extraordinary material.
Tree with extraordinary leaves.
Tree with metal leaves.
Extraordinary location of tree.
Extraordinary forest.
Extraordinary fruits.
Extraordinary apple.
References:Extraordinary nut.
Extraordinary clothing and ornament;
References:Extraordinary dress (clothes, robe, etc.).
Dress of extraordinary material.
Extraordinary ring.
References:Extraordinary clothing and ornaments - miscellaneous.
Extraordinary weapon.
Extraordinary arrow.
References:Extraordinary sword.
References:Sword so heavy that hero must take drink of strength before swinging it.
Fiery sword.
Sword cuts everything.
References:Extraordinary spear.
Extraordinary club.
Remarkably large club.
References:Extraordinary bow.
References:Other extraordinary weapons.
Extraordinary shield.
References:Other extraordinary objects and places.
Extraordinary boat (ship).
References:Ship of extraordinary material.
Stone boat (ship).
References:Ship Naglfar.
References:Extraordinary ship - miscellaneous.
Ship on wheels.
References:Extraordinary bridge.
References:Extraordinary material of bridge.
Extraordinary web (of guts).
References:Extraordinary coffin.
References:Extraordinary image.
Extraordinary horseshoe.
Extraordinary fetter.
Gigantic cup.
References:Cup made of skulls.
References:Extraordinary saddle.
Extraordinary army.
References:Battle rage.
References:Extraordinary vessel.
Extraordinarily large vessel.
References:Other extraordinary objects.
Extraordinary game-board.
Extraordinary occurrences.
Extraordinary swallowings.
Extraordinary occurrences concerning seas or waters.
Extraordinary occurrence connected with sea.
References:Extraordinary underground (underwater) disappearance.
Man sinks into earth.
Ground opens to hide fugitive (magician).
References:Object sinks into earth.
Dumb person brought to speak.
References:Marvelous cures - miscellaneous.
References:Extraordinary nature phenomena - elements and weather.
References:Extraordinary nature phenomena at birth of holy person (hero).
Extraordinary nature phenomena at birth of hero.
Extraordinary nature phenomena at death of holy person (hero).
Earthquake at death of important person.
References:Extraordinary behavior of heavenly bodies.
Several suns in sky.
Extraordinary behavior of moon.
References:Extraordinary precipitation (rain, snow, etc.).
References:Premature darkness.
References:Extraordinary nature phenomena - miscellaneous.
References:Extraordinary behavior of trees and plants.
Extraordinary occurrenccs concerning animals.
References:Extraordinary occurrences concerning animals - miscellaneous.
Hunt for extraordinary (magic) animal.
References:Inanimate objects act as if living.
References:Object bleeds.
Bleeding bone. Man cuts into dry bone that bleeds.
Shield shrieks in battle.
References:Inanimate object acts as if living.
References:Other extraordinary events.
References:Extraordinary physical reactions of persons.
Extraordinary death.
Death from grief for death of lover or relative.
Woman dies on hearing of her husband's death.
References:Woman swoons and is near death at hearing of husband's or lover's death.
References:Death from fear.
Buttons burst as consequence of violent emotion.
Extraordinary madness.
Madness from seeing beautiful woman.
References:Men go mad in battle.
References:Madness (rage) from hearing about brother's death.
References:Extraordinary illness.
References:Going to bed for sorrow.
Woman keeps to her bed by announcement of lover's death.
References:Laughing and crying at the same time (sundry reasons given).
Extraordinary physical reaction to anger.
References:Extraordinary physical reaction of angry warriors in battle.
References:Angry warrior's breath makes adversary's armor so hot that he must surrender.
References:Angry chief beheads sentinel who does not recognize him.
References:Man throws cereal and spoon on the floor because he is supposed to eat together with his brother.
References:Reactions to excessive grief.
Man swells from excessive grief.
References:Flame as miraculous index.
References:Extraordínary escapes.
References:Extraordinary escape from drowning.
References:Person lives on after being cut through by sword.
Object miraculously mended.
Object miraculously broken.
Kinds of ogres.
Cannibals and cannibalism.
Regular cannibalism.
Kinds of cannibals.
Gambling cannibal.
References:Occasional cannibalism.
Human flesh eaten unwittingly.
Relative's flesh eaten unwittingly.
References:Occasional cannibalism - deliberate.
Other motifs dealing with cannibals.
References:Giant ogres.
References:Giant ogre. Polyphemus.
Physical characteristics of giant ogres.
Giant ogres - miscellaneous.
Origin of witches.
References:Form of witch.
Witch in animal form.
References:Witch in form of domestic beast.
Witch inform of wild beast.
Witch in form of fish or sea mammal.
References:Witch with extraordinary eyes.
Form of witch - miscellaneous.
Tailed witch.
Characteristics of witches.
Strength of witches.
Source of witch's magic.
References:Witch's familiar spirit.
Witch has an army of dragons, lions, and bears.
References:Characteristics of witches - miscellaneous.
Invulnerability of witches.
References:Habits of witches.
Witch rides on unusual animal.
Witch flies through air.
Habits of witches - miscellaneous.
Recognition of witches.
Evil deeds of witches.
References:Witch abuses property.
Evil deeds of witches - miscellaneous.
Curse by disappointed witch.
References:Ship wrecked by witch.
References:Witch overcome or escaped.
References:Witch exorcised.
References:Witch exorcised by use of religious ceremony, object, or charm.
Sign of the cross marked on bewitched object breaks witch spell.
References:Witch rendered powerless.
Witch powerless when one makes sign of cross.
References:Witches powerless at crossroads.
Witch (giantess) defeated.
References:Seven-headed witch defeated by throwing egg at each head.
Witch killed, as egg with her soul is crushed against her forehead.
References:Hero kills witch.
References:Fighting and wrestling with witch.
References:Other ogres.
Other ogres.
References:Forms in which the devil appears.
References:The devil in human form.
Devil in form of domestic beast.
Devil in form of wild beast.
Devil in form of wolf.
References:Devil in form of insect.
Devil in form of spider.
References:The devil's physical characteristics.
The devil's head.
Devil's beard.
Devil has a red beard.
References:How the devil is dressed.
The devil dressed in red.
References:Circumstances of the devil's appearance.
People to whom the devil appears.
Deeds of the devil.
The devil as a builder.
References:How the devil's power may be escaped or avoided.
Devil's power over one avoided by prayer.
References:Person saved from devil by prayer to Virgin Mary.
References:Devil's power avoided by the cross.
Miscellaneous ways in which the devil may be escaped or his power destroyed.
Troll as ogre.
References:Characteristics of trolls.
References:Antipathies of trolls.
Troll bursts when sun shines on him.
References:Ogres with characteristic methods.
Cannibal ogre.
Pishachas (Sanskrit: पिशाच, Piśāca).
References:Animal ogres.
References:Wild beast as ogre.
Wolf as ogre.
References:Bird as ogre.
References:Falling into ogre's power.
Person falls into ogre's power.
Ogre abducts person.
References:Falling into ogre's power - miscellaneous.
Person as servant in ogre's house.
References:Ogre defeated.
Ogre defeated.
References:Ogre (ogress) defeated or killed in single combat (»glima«) (often together with G530.2 or N812.3).
References:Stupid ogre. cf. G500.1.
Ogre killed, maimed, or captured.
References:Hero overcomes devastating animal.
References:Ogre killed.
References:Ogre captured.
References:Ogre killed through other tricks.
References:Ogre's wife killed through other tricks.
Giant ogre tricked into running round a tree the branches of which catch the strokes of his iron bar, until he falls down dead.
References:Ogre's relative aids hero.
References:Hero hidden and ogre deceived by his wife (daughter) when he says that he smells human blood.
References:Rescue from ogre by relative.
One brother rescues another from ogre.
Ogre otherwise subdued.
Other ogre motifs.
Killing of ogre's cattle, sheep, etc. brings on ogre's anger.
References:Characteristics of ogres.
References:Unclassified ogre motifs.
Identity tests: recognition.
Recognition by password.
References:Recognition through personal peculiarities.
Recognition by unique ability.
Recognition by unique ability to dislodge sword.
References:Recognition by unique manner of performing an act.
Recognition by exact filling of clothes.
Impostor of low origin recognized by habitual speech.
Recognition of substituted bride by her habitual conversation.
References:Prophecy for newborn princesses: the one who takes gold in the mouth will be married to a prince; the one who takes hawkweed, to a peasant.
References:Recognition by bodily marks or physical attributes.
Recognition by wound.
References:Recognition by missing member.
Recognition by ornaments under skin.
Recognition of transformed person (animal).
Recognition of person transformed to animal.
Marks of royalty.
References:Identification by a hair.
Identification by wolf's hair.
References:Recognition by physical attributes - miscellaneous.
References:Identification by tokens.
Clandestine lover recognized by tokens.
References:Clandestine visit of lover to queen betrayed by token.
References:Identification by ornaments.
Identification by ring.
References:Parts of slain animals as token of slaying.
References:Tongue as proof that man has been murdered.
Ears, fingers, and noses of demons cut off as proof of killing them.
Identification between lovers by matching claw and leg of dragon.
References:Identification by severed limbs.
Severed head as proof of killing.
References:Identfication by cloth or clothing.
Identification by garment.
References:Identification by token - miscellaneous.
Circumstances of recognition.
Attention drawn and recognition follows.
Attention drawn by magic objects: recognition follow.
Attention drawn by gold and silver decorated mouse: as princess turns after it, suitor recognizes her.
References:Disguised man recognized by dog.
Tests of truth.
References:Decision made by contest.
Decision of victory by single combat or holmgang between army-leaders.
References:Decision by single combat or holmgang of who is to marry girl.
References:Ordeal by hot iron.
References:Worn-out shoes as proof of long journey.
References:Test of death: to see whether person is dead or feigning.
Witch's test by pulling burning wood in the mouth of fallen warriors.
References:Test of truth by magic object.
References:Stone of truth. When one stands on it be must utter truth.
References:Oaths before gods as test of truth.
References:Marriage tests.
Physical and mental requirements for suitors.
Suitors chosen with feet as only part seen.
References:Successful suitor must have whitest hands.
Successful suitor must have the prettiest hands: not whitest, but dark with scars and gold rings.
References:Suitor test: finding princess.
Suitor test: bringing leg that fits into dragonclaw, left by the beloved of the princess.
References:Suitor contests: bride offered as prize.
References:Suitor contest: difficult riding.
Suitor contest: tournament.
References:Suitor in contest with bride or member of her family.
Suitor in contest with bride.
Suitor contest with brother-in-law.
Suitor task: avenging bride's father's death before marriage.
References:Suitor task: killing ferocious animal.
References:Suitor task: to kill all earlier suitors.
References:Suitor test: overcoming princess in strength.
References:Princess given to man who can heal her.
Maiden queen promises herself to the man who heals her husband and kills his bewitcher.
References:Other sailor texts.
Bride test.
Bride test: domestic skill.
Bride test: cloth-working.
Bride test: cooking.
Bride test: wisdom (cleverness).
References:Chastity test.
Chastity test by magic objects or ordeals.
Tests for cuckolds.
Chastity index.
Weapon as chastity index.
References:Wife tests.
References:Wife's faithfulness tested by proposal in another's name.
References:Father tests.
Test of paternity.
Tests of cleverness.
Test of musical ability.
References:Test of skill in handiwork.
References:Test of cleverness: uttering three wise words. Youths called on to do so display by their answers extraordinary powers of deduction.
Tests in guessing.
Guessing with life as wager.
References:Test: guessing trolls' names in order to save one's life.
Propounding of riddles.
Riddle propounded with penalty for failure.
Solvers of riddles.
Enigmatic statements. Apparently senseless remarks (or acts) interpreted figuratively prove wise.
Riddling answers betray theft or adultery.
Woman's question to her husband disguised as woman, how many men she had in one night. This is properly understood as, how many helpers he had, and answered by lifting ten fingers.
References:Extraordinary actions explained.
Enigmatic welcome of host.
Other enigmatic statements.
Symbolic interpretation;
References:Discussion by symbols. Sign language.
Discussion between priest and Jew carried on by symbols. E. g., priest raises three fingers (trinity); Jew raises arm (one God); etc.
References:Tests of prowess: tasks.
Assignment and performance of tasks.
Assignment of tasks.
Tasks imposed.
Assignment of tasks in response to suggestion.
Assigners of tasks.
Princess sets hero tasks.
References:Maiden queen sets hero three dangerous tasks in order to disenchant herself and her sisters.
References:Assignment of tasks - miscellaneous.
Task voluntarily undertaken.
Hero goes north to fight with trolls.
References:Performance of tasks.
Help in performing tasks.
Task performed with help of old person.
Tasks performed with help of little old men.
References:Task performed with help of supernatural wife.
References:Nature of tasks.
Tasks contrary to laws of nature.
Task: construction from impossible kind of material.
Paradoxical tasks.
Task: coming neither naked nor clad.
References:Task: coming neither with nor without a companion. (Comes with an animal).
References:Task: coming neither hungry nor satiated.
References:Superhuman tasks.
Task: binding waves of the Sea.
References:Task: drinking the sea dry.
References:Miscellaneous superhuman tasks.
Tasks: stealing, capturing, or slaying.
Theft as a task.
Task: stealing gold-filled horn of wild three-horned ox.
References:Task: stealing the mead of poetry.
References:Task: capturing animals.
Task: capturing deer from herd watched by giant.
References:Task: capturing ninety pigs, ninety horses, and one hundred wild oxen.
References:Task: overcoming savage buffalo.
Miscellaneous tasks.
Task left by departing husband for virgin wife to accomplish: have a son whose real mother she is, and woase real father he is.
References:Other tasks.
References:Task: disenchantment.
References:Tests of prowess: quests.
Attendant circumstances of quests.
Quests assigned in order to get rid of hero.
References:Quest for remarkable bird caused by sight of one of its feathers.
Quest for princess caused by sight of one of her hairs dropped by a bird (or floating on river).
References:Assignment of quests - miscellaneous.
Quest assigned as payment for gambling loss.
References:Prince a-hunting enters on quest.
References:Quest to undertake feats of valor.
Quest voluntarily undertaken - miscellaneous.
Accomplishment of quests.
Directions on quest given by sun, moon, wind, and stars.
Helpers on quest.
Holy man as helper on quest.
Supernatural creature as helper on quest.
Accomplishment of quest - miscellaneous.
Objects of quest found in deserted castle where hero is served by unseen hands.
References:Other circumstances of quests.
Quest to lower world.
References:Quests to other realms.
References:Quest to different other realms.
Quest to animal realm.
References:Quest to lions', elephants' and serpents' land for green stone.
References:Quest to Bjarmaland.
References:Quests to otherwolrd - miscellaneous motifs.
Answers found in otherworld to questions propounded on the way.
Quests for the unique.
Quest for the spring of the biggest of three rivers east of Garðaríki.
References:Quest for marvelous parts or possessions of animals.
References:Quest for magic cauldron.
References:Quest for marvelous objects or animals - miscellaneous.
Quest for marvelous golden wood for knife handle.
References:Quest for marvelous game-board.
References:Quest for dangerous animals.
References:Miscellaneous quests.
Quest for unknown person.
Quest for unknown father.
Quest for unknown woman.
References:Quest for bride.
Quest for unknown woman whose picture has aroused man's love.
References:Quest for lost persons.
Quest for lost object.
Quest for armor from a grave mound.
References:Quest for enemies.
Other tests.
Tests of fear.
Fear test. A person is put to various tests in the attempt to make him show fear.
Fear test: staying in frightful place.
Fear test: slaying in haunted house.
Fear test: staying in enchanted castle at night where the devil gives a moral speech, and prophecies.
References:Tests of vigilance.
Test: vigil at tomb.
Tests of endurance and power of survival.
Tests of endurance.
Test: sewing clothes into boy's hands and tearing them of together with the skin.
References:Tests of power to survive. Vain attempts to kill hero.
References:Heat test.
References:Poisoned clothing test.
References:Killing trees threaten hero.
Bent tree test.
References:Contests in endurance.
References:Tests of character.
Tests of character.
Tests of fidelity.
Test of fidelity through submitting hero to temptations.
References:Fidelity in love tested.
Old uncle tests nephew's fidelity by sleeping with his beloved.
References:Tests of friendship.
References:Test of friendship: the half-friend.
References:Test of friendship: to go with one to death.
References:Friends refuse to fight against each others.
References:Tests of valor: tournament.
References:Single combat to prove valor.
References:Holmgang. Single combat on an island.
References:Fight with father's old friend though only to mention who he is would assure the youth a friendly reception.
References:Test of strength.
References:Test of strength: pulling up tree by roots.
References:Test of strength: lifting stone (fireplace, etc.).
References:Test of strength: breaking witch's back.
References:Test of strength: wrestling.
References:Tests of gratitude.
References:Miscellaneous tests.
Religions tests.
References:Tests of social position.
King chosen by test.
References:Tests of time.
References:Contest of dogs.
References:The wise and the foolish.
Acquisition and possession of wisdom (knowledge).
Wisdom (knowledge) acquired from experience.
»Do not act when angry«. Man returns home and sees someone sleeping with his wife. Though he thinks it is a paramour, he restrains himself and finds that it is a newborn son.
References:»Do not go where an old man has a young wife«.
References:»Stay at church till mass is finished«. Delay saves youth from death.
References:Counsels proved wisec by experience - miscellanous.
References:Wisdom (knowledge) taught by parable.
Wisdom (knowledge) acquired from animals.
Other means of acquiring wisdom (knowledge).
References:Wisdom from old person.
Wisdom (knowledge) from dream.
References:Wisdom acquired by hanging in a tree.
References:Wisdom purchased.
Acquisition and possession of wisdom - miscellaneous.
References:Wise and unwise conduct.
Choice between evils.
References:Choice between short and dangerous or long and sure way.
References:Gains and losses.
Choices: little gain, big loss.
Better be content with what you have, than try to get more and lose everything.
References:Choice of associates.
Association of young and old.
Foolish association of young and old.
Foolish marriage of old man and young girl.
Forethought in conflicts with others.
Avoidance of others' power.
Avoiding enemy's revenge.
Forethought in defences against others.
Man slays another in order not to be slain himself.
References:Forethought - miscellaneous.
Clever persons and acts.
Clever persons.
Cleverness in the law court.
References:Clever pleading.
Literal pleading: letter of law has been met.
References:Trespasser's defense: standing on his own land. Man has earth from his own land in his shoes.
References:Money in the stick.
References:Clever judicial decisions.
Judgment as rebuke to unjust plaintiff.
Decisions based on experimental tests.
References:Clever means of avoiding legal punishment.
Execution escaped by use of special permissions granted the condemned.
Execution evaded by having three wishes granted: to be emperor, judge, and the emperor's son-in-law during the last week of his life. As judge he frees himself and is in reality freed.
References:Clever dividing.
Clever dividing.
References:Inherited gold ring divided between three by selling it and dividing the money.
References:Clever verbal retorts (repartee).
References:Miscellaneous clever acts.
Clever ways of concealing jewels (treasure).
References:Clever deductions.
Deductions from observation.
References:Clever deduction by eating, smelling, drinking, etc. cf. F647.
References:Clever dealing with a king.
Clever ways of breaking bad news to a king, who will kill bearer of bad tidings.
Fools (and other unwise persons).
Absurd ignorance.
Ignorance of marriage relations.
References:Absurd misunderstandings.
Animal or person mistaken for something else.
Animal thought to be object.
Shadow mistaken for substance.
Reflection in water thought to be the original of the thing rejected.
Diving for the cheese.
Statue mistaken for living original.
References:Physical phenomena misunderstood.
Absurd disregard of facts.
Fatal disregard of anatomy.
Fatal disregard of anatomy - miscellaneous.
Fool believes that he has begot child with his sister by an earbox.
References:Absurd absent-mindedness.
Inability to find own members, etc.
Numbskull rides backward.
References:Absurd absent-mindedness - miscellaneous.
Hero keeps on leading his horse without discovering that it is dead.
References:Absurd short-sightedness.
Absurd short-sightedness.
Remedies worse than the disease.
Remedies worse than the disease - miscellaneous.
Foolish extreme.
Absurd extreme of discouragement.
Cowardly fool.
Cowardly fool.
Fools frightened by stirring of an animal.
Lions flee because of the crowing of white cock, elephants because of swine's grunting.
References:Fright at the creaking of a wheelbarrow.
Fright at noise of mill.
Contests won by deception.
Contest won by deception - general.
Athletic contest won by deception.
Contests in other physical accomplishments won by deception.
Deceptive drinking contest.
References:Other contests won by deception.
Duel won by deception.
Deceptive bargains.
Deception through pseudo-simple bargain.
Deceptive land purchase. (Dido).
Land purchase: as much as can be plowed (fenced) in a certain time.
References:Other deceptive bargains.
Deception in payment of debt.
Devil cheated of his promised soul.
References:Creator killed or driven away.
Thor is to give his hammer in return for Freyja as wife.
References:Loki released from captivity of the giant Þjazl on condition that he brings Idun (cf. A474.1). But the gods force him to bring her back and kill Þjazi.
References:Loki released from captivity by the giant Geirröðr on condition that he brings Thor without hammer and magic girdle. Thor borrows another strength-giving girdle and gloves of giantess and kills Geirröðr and his daughter.
References:Thefts and cheats.
Thefts and cheats - general.
References:Thieves steal from each other.
Means of entering house or treasury.
Thief in disguise.
Thief disguised as girl.
Thief in the clothes of robbed bride kills bridegroom.
References:Means of hoodwinking the guardian or owner.
Oversalting food of giant (dragon) so that he must go outside for water. Meantime his goods are stolen.
References:Thief escapes detection.
Blame for theft fastened on dupe.
Other cheats.
Unjust umpire as trickster's confederate.
References:Cheating by substitution of worthless articles.
References:Escape by deception.
Escape from death or danger by deception.
References:Death order evaded.
Death escaped through disguise, shamming, or substitution.
Uriah letter changed. Falsified order of execution. A messenger is sent with a letter ordering the recipient to kill the bearer. On the way the letter is changed so that the bearer is honored.
References:Escape by hiding.
References:Escape by disguise.
Change of bodily appearance so as to escape.
Clothes changed so as to escape.
Disguise in clothes of other sex so as to escape.
Man in danger of life takes his wife's place in the bed with her night-cap on.
References:Escape by shammed drowning: wrecked boat or coffin lands.
References:Escape by shamming illness.
References:Escape by use of substituted object.
References:Dog buried instead of foster son, who is falsely reported killed so that he can safely be taken away.
References:Escape by substituting another person.
References:Escape by reversing shoes (boat).
Escape by making attacker believe there are many defenders.
References:Escape by false plea. A captive makes a request or proposes an action that permits him eventually to escape.
Respite from death granted until particular act is performed.
References:Escape by false plea - miscellaneous.
Escape from robbers by pretending to be going the same way but separating at the first opportunity.
Murderer or captor otherwise beguiled.
The three teachings of the bird (fox). In return for release from captivity bird (fox) gives the man three teachings. These usually mock the man for his foolishness in releasing what he has.
References:Escape by singing song. Captive gradually moves away and at last escapes.
Escape by playing music.
Escape by playing sleep-bringing music.
Escape by putting captor of guard.
Escape on ship on wheels after having deceived the captor into laying away sword and helm to receive pretended gift.
References:Escape by deceiving the guard.
Escape by giving narcotic to guards.
References:Escape by disarming (making pursuit difficult).
Holes bored in enemies' boats prevent pursuit.
References:Escape by help of confederate.
References:Escape by help of confederate - miscellaneous.
Son mentioned as daughter in order to save him from enemy's pursuit.
References:Confederate in disguise helps man escape.
Confederate in disguise as beggar helps to escape.
References:Helper dressed in bear's skin helps to escape.
References:Other means of escape.
Wolf descends into well in one bucket and rescues fox in the other.
References:Escape from suspicion of crime.
Capture by deception.
Victim trapped.
Knight captured in pitfall while his horse escapes.
References:Capture by decoy.
Capture by hiding in artificial animal.
Other deceptive captures.
References:Capture of castle by pretending to surrender and entering.
References:Killing or maiming by deception.
Fatal deception into trickster's power.
References:Enemies invited to banquet (visit) and killed.
References:Victim burned in his own house.
References:Victim lured by kind words approaches trickster and is killed.
Boat lured to land with kind words and wrecked in order to take vengeance on the men.
References:Victim persuaded to disarm. Killed.
Man killed with sword which he himself is tricked into passing to captured enemy.
References:Giantess killed with the spear she herself has given hero.
References:Sham doctor kills his patients.
Victim enticed - miscellaneous.
Victim enticed into drinking by over-salting his food: killed when off guard.
References:Fatal deceptive game.
References:Deceptive game: hanging each other. Dupe really hanged.
References:Fatal game: drowning.
References:Shooting game: blind man's arrow aimed. It kills his friend (Balder's death).
References:Fatal duel: brother kills brother in pretended game.
Fatal deception by narcotic (intoxication).
References:Fatal deception by giving narcotic.
King given sleeping potion and then beheaded in his bed by his wife.
References:Groom murdered while watchmen and bride are brought to sleep by music.
References:Dupe tricked into killing himself.
Dupe tricked into jumping to his death.
References:Murder by strategy - miscellaneous.
Men deceíved into killing each other.
References:Deception into killing own family or animals.
King causes his own men to be burned and killed, by mistake or illusion.
References:King (Ermanrikr) lured to send his sons on fatal quests and to kill nephews.
References:Various kinds of treacherous murder.
Animal (monster) killed from within.
Man transforms self to gadfly to enter giant's stomach and kill him.
References:Murder by burning.
References:Other kinds of treacherous murder.
References:Man murdered of his wife's side.
References:Woman marries king feigning thar she can heal him, and murders him in sleep. Afterward she takes the kingdom together with his counsellor.
References:Rafter supporting giant's house cut half through, so that it can be drawn down from the outside, and the giant is killed.
References:Murder from behind.
References:Other fatal deceits.
Deception into self-injury.
Deception through false doctoring.
References:Ogres duped into fighting each other.
Liar brings about fight between dupes.
Falsifed message brings about a war.
References:God persuades hero to substitute a false bride for his father, this results in a fight where the son kills the father.
References:Deception into humiliating position.
Importunate lovers led astray.
Importunate lover (priest) is forced to hide in chest.
Four importunate lovers are forced to hide in four-compartmented chest which is sold.
References:Deception into humiliating position - miscellaneous.
Seduction or deceptive marriage.
Mortal woman seduced by a god.
References:Seduction by disguise or substitution.
References:Seduction by masking as woman's husband.
References:Seduction by impostor.
Seduction by posing as a god.
References:Seduction by posing as doctor.
References:Seduction by posing as holy man (churchman).
References:Seduction by man disguising as woman.
Man disguised as woman courted (married) by another man.
Man disguised as woman beguiles hostile thief.
References:Girl tricked into man's room (or power).
References:Seduction by taking aboard ship to inspect wares.
Entrance into girl's (man's) room (bed) by trick.
Entrance to woman's room in hollow artificial animal.
References:Entrance into woman's (man's) room by hiding in chest.
References:Man carried into woman's room hidden in basket (with flowers).
References:Other means of entering into girl's (man's) room (bed).
Disguise to enter girl's (man's) room.
References:Man feigns sick in order to enter room of princess skilled in healing, and wooes her for his friend.
References:Woman persuaded (or wooed) by trick.
Princess tricked into engaging herself to suitor rejected by her father.
References:Deceptions connected with adultery.
The wife's equivocal oath.
References:Paramour successfully hidden from husband.
Underground passage to paramour's house. (Inclusa).
References:Husband outwits adulteress and paramour.
Husband returns home secretly and spies on adulteress and lovers.
Husband discovers wife's adultery by riddling conversation.
Husband discovers paramour's love letter in his wife's purse, after having made her drunk.
References:Deceiver falls into own trap.
Deceiver falls into own trap.
References:Man falls into sacrificial grave prepared for others. Rich man orders poor people to dig a grave in order to bury them all in it as sacrifice to avert famine. But a Christian frees them and promises those who become Christian a living. The rich man falls in the grave and dies.
References:Message of death fatal to sender.
References:Would-be killers killed.
Treacherous councelor killed in ball game he himself has arranged.
References:Unjust banker deceived into delivering deposits by making him expect even larger. In order to make the impression of honesty he delivers the one chest of money. The ten chests which he then receives are filled with stones.
References:Dwarf himself falls in love with girl he has seduced by magic love, and loses her as he is forced to remove his magic.
References:Deception through shams.
Deception through bluffing.
Deception through bluffing.
References:Other bluffs.
References:Trickster's boasting scares his powerful opponent from contest.
Fake boasting of having killed his foster-brother makes his men follow the boaster.
References:Bluffing threat.
King persuades men to follow him, pretending that he is going to make peace with his brothers, instead battle.
References:When he is looked at too threateningly, hero feigns failing ability to go on horseback.
References:Feigned ignorance about the whereabouts of hero's weapons and horse in order to keep him as monk.
References:Deception by disguise or illusion.
Disguise by pulling on clothes (carrying accoutrements) of certain person.
Lover disguised in slain enemy's clothes.
References:Lover disguised as other knight in order to reach sweetheart.
References:Gods in disguise visit mortals.
References:lncognito king joins robbers.
References:Incognito queen (princess).
Disguised queen visits her husband and begets child with him as assigned.
References:King in disguise as one of his own men rescued in fighting alone against four.
References:Disguised husband visits his wife.
Disguised husband spies on his faithless wife.
References:Woman in disguise wooed by her faithless husband.
References:Disguise with hood dropping low over the face.
References:Disguise as herdsman (shepherd, swineherd, etc.).
References:Disguise as leper.
References:Disguise as madman (fool).
References:Disguise by changing bodily appearance.
References:Disguise in wooden covering.
Man disguises as animal.
References:Disguise as professional man.
Disguise as doctor.
Disguise as soldier.
References:Disguise as churchman (cleric).
Service in disguise in order to seduce king's daughter by putting love charm in her food.
References:Lover in disguise as duke's son takes service under king with his followers in order to abduct his sister.
References:Disguise of man in woman's dress.
References:Other deceptions by disguise.
Deception by substitution.
References:Living person acts as image of saint.
References:Wife takes mistress's place in husband's bed. Brings about reconciliation.
References:Husband deceives wife with substituted bedmate.
Groom deceives bride with substituted bedmate and hides self in order to learn the secret she has promised to tell.
References:Fairy visits queen in her husband's shape and begets son with her.
References:Deception by feigned death (sleep).
References:Deception by legerdemain.
Wounds masked by other wound in order not to be recognized.
References:Objects attacked under the illusion that they are men.
References:Illusions in landscape.
Mists which lead astray.
References:Other deceptions by disguise or illusion.
Marital impostors.
Circumstances of substitution of false bride.
Prince substitutes peasant girl for the king's daughter he has got for his father, but with whom he himself has fallen in love.
References:Substituted children.
Parents exchange children.
Treacherous impostors.
Impostors abandon (or kill) their companion and ursurp his place.
References:Impostors throw hero overboard into sea.
References:Impostor tries to push foster-brother into the water and then cuts rope so that he drifts alone out on the sea in boat without oars.
References:Sham prince (nobleman).
Sham physician.
References:Sham churchman.
Sham prowess in hunting.
Hypocrite pretends friendship but attacks.
Betrayal by a kiss.
References:False accusations.
Calumniated wife.
Man falsely accused of infidelity.
References:Innocent person accused of murder.
Man falsely accused of murder.
Man accused of having starved woman to death and taken treasure.
References:Man slandered as having deflowered princess.
References:Knight falsely accused of sedition.
References:Villains and traitors.
Treacherous relatives.
References:Treacherous officere and tradesmen.
References:Treacherous prince.
Treacherous king.
References:Other treacherous officers and tradesmen.
Treacherous servants and workmen.
References:Dark traitors.
Treacherous red knight.
References:Deformed villains.
Other villains and traitors.
Treacherous counselor.
References:Other deceptions.
Deception by frightening.
References:Military strategy.
References:Animals help in military victory.
References:Sparrows of Cirencester.
References:Horses frightened by instruments of war are backed into enemy's ranks.
Women spread shawls on enemy's path and entangle them. They are easily defeated.
Disguise as woman to enter enemy's camp (castle).
References:Disguise as beggar to enter enemy's camp (castle) or to spy.
References:Disguise as merchant to enter enemy's eastle (camp, tower).
References:Enemy induced to give up siege.
Enemy induced to give up siege by pretending to have plenty of food.
References:Enemy deceived into overestimating opponents: retreat.
Enemy induced to give up siege by making it look as the besieged have got reinforcement.
References:Military strategy - miscellaneous.
Shammed discussing of peace while getting reinforcements.
References:One man lifted on spears into fortress so that he can open it.
References:Miscellaneous deception.
Enemies reconciled by gifts which the one's son tells are sent from the other.
References:Temporary advantage gained by pretending to yield in a combat.
Man tricked to be one's sworn brother in order to secure his help against his mother.
References:Reversal of fortune.
Victorious youngest child.
Victorious youngest child.
Victorious youngest daughter.
Unpromising hero (heroine).
Types of unpromising heroes (heroines).
Exile returns and succeeds.
References:Hero (heroine) of unpromising appearance.
References:Dirty boy as hero.
References:Hero (heroine) of promising occupation.
Menial hero.
Swineherd as hero. #Amb# 82-90, 102-10 ch. 14, 17-18. cf. #Saxo# lib. III c. VI 13.
Menial heroine.
Dumb hero.
Abode of unpromising hero (heroine).
Hearth abode of unpromising hero.
References:Scorning stops when it turns out that the scorned has saved the king by fighting alone against four.
References:Modesty brings reward.
Modest request best.
Triumph of the weak.
Weak overcomes strong in conflict.
Pride brought low.
Proud ruler (deity) humbled.
Arrogant farmer allows none to ride his precious horse without permission. He kills the man who does it, but is in revenge deprived of most of his goods.
References:Ordaining the future.
Judgments and decrees.
Short-sighted judgments.
Vows and oaths.
Vows and oaths.
Equivocal oaths.
References:Oath taken on ring.
References:Oath taken an arms.
Oaths taken on sacred object.
References:Taking of vows and oaths - miscellaneous.
Vows taken as an old Norse custom at festivals, especially at Yule time.
References:Vows concerning personal appearance.
Vow not to shave or cut hair until a certain time.
References:Vows concerning sex.
References:Vow to wed no man who cannot perform certain feat.
References:Vow to marry a certain woman.
References:Vows concerning sex - miscellaneous.
Other vows and oaths.
Vow not to eat before hearing of adventure.
Vow never to flee in fear of death.
Vow rather to die (on a spear) than to accept grace.
References:Other vows about fighting.
Vow never to give more than one blow in a fight and never to beat a fallen enemy nor take his weapons.
References:Bargains and promises.
Bargains and promises.
Making of bargains and promises.
Blood covenant. Contract written (or signed) with blood.
Blood of contractors mixed to seal bargain.
References:Covenant confirmed by marriage.
References:Covenant confirmed by going »undir jarðarmen«.
References:Breaking of bargains or promises.
A man who breaks his oath to a woman cannot be king with right.
References:Man sells soul to devil in return for devil's building house (barn, etc.).
References:Other bargains.
Life spared in return for life-long service.
Life spared in return for poetic mead.
References:Life bought with promise of reparations and healing of enemy.
References:Promises connected with death.
Other promises.
Man promises to build castle during winter if he gets Freyja, sun, and moon.
Old woman, »völva«, as prophet.
References:Saints (holy men) as prophets.
References:Three fates, »norns« prophesy at child's birth.
References:Means of prophesying.
References:Prophecy through dreams.
References:Prophecy from enigmatical laugh.
References:Favorable prophecies.
Prophecy of future greatness for youth.
Mother's symbolic dream (vision) about the greatness of her unborn child.
References:Prophecy: death at certain time.
Prophecy: death after certain time.
Prophecy: death by particular instrument. In spite of all precautions the prophecy is fulfilled.
References:Prophecy: death by horse's head.
References:Prophecies concerning destiny of country.
References:Vain attempts to escape fulfillment of prophecy.
Exposure of infant to avoid fulfillment of prophecy (foreknowledge).
References:Sword that is to kill one is weighted and sunk so as to avoid the prophecy.
References:Queen dies from fright from evil prophecy.
References:Pronouncement of curses.
Deliverer of curse.
Curse by parent.
Curse by stepmother.
References:Beggar's curse. Beggar is refused request. »May your bread turn to stones!«.
References:Man cursed by hatred of the gods.
Giantess lays a curse on the one on earth who eventually hears her.
References:Curse by witch or »seiðmaðr«.
References:Time of giving curse.
Curse given at birth of child.
References:Curse given on wedding night.
References:Recipient of curse.
References:Curse given to negate good wish.
References:Curse on everybody on earth who listens to the fatal mentioning of trolls' names is evaded by person in cave because he is in the earth.
References:Curse: bodily injury.
References:Curse: wound not to heal.
References:Curse: to be carried off by evil spirit.
References:Curse: prince to fall in love with witch's daughter.
References:Curse: monstrous birth.
Curse: humiliation.
References:Curse: failure in all undertakings.
References:Curse: when brothers' swords bite the very best they will all be killed by a single man.
References:Curse: privation.
Curse: continence in marriage.
References:Curse on families.
References:Curses on objects or animals.
Curse on land.
References:Curse on lake.
Curses - miscellaneous.
Presence of cursed person brings disaster to land.
References:Chance and fate.
Wagers and gambling.
Wagers and gambling.
References:Extraordinary stakes at gambling.
Luck in gambling.
The ways of luck and fate.
Determination of luck or fate.
Lots cast to determine luck or fatte.
References:Changing of luck or fate.
Acts performed for changing luck.
Persons effect change of luck.
Persons bring bad luck.
Nature of luck and fate - miscellaneous motifs.
Hero fails to meet the man he seeks, though they are close to one another.
References:The good gifts of fortune.
Lucky person. Some people, especially heroes, as Hrólf Kráki and Óláfr, usually have luck.
References:Lost object returns to its owner.
Lost ring found in fish.
Unlucky accidents.
Accidental separations.
Person unwittingly killed.
References:Accidental killing or death.
References:Accidental fatal ending of game or joke.
Hanging in game or jest acctidentally proves fatal.
References:Unexpected death at hands of an animal.
References:Death as result of mistaken identity: wrong person killed.
References:Son killed because mistaken for someone else.
References:Accidental death - miscellaneous.
Man falls into jar of honey and is drowned.
References:Accidental death of father from fall into the fire when taking down weapons for his son.
References:King mortally wounded on killed enemy's tooth.
References:Father kills self believing that son is dead.
Innocent man accidentally suspected of crime.
Hasty killing or condemnation - miscellaneous.
References:Accidental loss of property.
Man unwittingly commits crime.
Incest unwittingly committed.
Other unlucky accidents.
Death from fright.
References:Wicked stepmother falls into the fire because of fright.
References:Additional unlucky accidents.
Shipwrecked man lands on deadly enemy's territory and is attacked.
References:Lucky accidents.
Lucky business ventures.
Lucky business venture.
Valuable secrets learned.
Secrets overheard.
Overheard (human) conversation.
References:Secret about prince's father learned by eavesdropper from his mother's talking to him.
References:Friend lingering in the kitchen learns of friend's distress and helps him.
References:Enigmatical smile (laugh) reveals secret knowledge.
References:Secret reason why hero does not want to eat the food of foreign king overheard by eavesdropper.
References:Treasure trove.
Treasure trove.
References:When treasure is found.
Treasure buried by dying man.
References:Treasure buried in graves (grave mounds).
References:Man jumps into the sea, river or waterfall with his treasure (chests).
References:Treasure hidden in religious shrine.
Discovery of treasure.
Treasure indicated by statue (stone) with inscription.
References:Treasure pointed out by supernatural creature (fairy, etc.).
Unearthing hidden treasure.
Treasure opens itself.
Tabus in efect while treasure is being unearthed.
References:Guardian of treasure.
References:Ghosts prevent men from raising treasure.
Ghost of treasure's human owner as guardian.
References:Treasure trove-miscellaneous motifs.
Other lucky accidents.
Accidental success in hunting or fishing.
Accidental acquisition of treasure or money.
Life saved by accident.
Husband arrives home just in time to save wife and her father from being burned to death in their home.
References:Lucky accidents - miscellaneous.
Other lucky accidents.
Father and brother accidentally return home just as they are most needed in fight.
References:Accidental encounters.
Accidental meeting of hero and heroine.
King (prince) accidentally finds maiden and marries her.
References:Accidental meeting with the son of the only person who can overcome curse on hero.
References:Accidental reunion of families.
Unexpected meeting of father and son.
Other accidental encounters.
Experience leading to adventures.
Adventures from pursuing enchanted animal (hind, boar, bird).
References:Adventures from seeking water.
Supernatural helpers.
Giant or ogre as helper.
References:Helpful angel.
Human helpers.
Old person as helper.
References:Girl as helper.
References:King as helper.
King helps princes in exile to revenge their father and take their homeland back.
References:Shepherd as helper.
References:Helpful smith.
Helpful forester.
Royalty and nobility.
References:Choice of kings.
References:Winner of contest to be king.
King chosen by contest.
Character of kings.
References:Hunting a madness of kings.
References:Customs connected with kings.
Particular practices of kings.
King does not want men who are unable to engage in any sport.
References:King asks all newcomers what they can do expects a ? and prompt answer.
References:Law that nobody may give the king bad tidings.
References:King is angry at hero (Sigurðr) who rides straight into the castle without permission.
References:Adventures of kings.
References:End of king's reign.
References:King must resign if maimed.
King killed when old.
Old king attacked.
References:Succession to the throne.
Son succeeds father as king.
References:Natural son succeeds to the throne.
Three sons get each a kingship, but the youngest the most important in the home country.
References:Marriage of kings.
Other motifs connected with kings.
References:Queen marries murderer of her fiancé (husband).
References:Queen persuades king to make war without cause, that her sons may have territory.
Queen offers son to be killed in order to spur to fight and avenge her first husband.
References:Captured queen commits suicide.
References:Other social orders.
References:Captive king's sons made slaves.
Slave killed.
References:Origin of thralls.
References:Slaves freed.
References:The family.
The family.
References:Husband and wife.
References:Wife chooses father's side in feud.
References:Parents and children.
References:Queen dislikes son who is unlike her and loves a poor girl, she then plots against him.
References:Mother and son.
References:Mother kills sons who lack courage to help her revenge her father and brothers, and are likely to betray the plot.
References:Mother and daughter.
Wicked mother and her sons do everything to prevent daughter's marriage with beloved.
References:Father and son.
References:Son must threaten father before he will recognize him as son, even though he brings ring from his mother.
References:Father and daughter.
References:Brothers and sisters.
References:Two brothers follow and help each other on piracy, etc.
References:Two brothers as contrasts.
References:Several brothers.
Three brothers.
Two sisters.
Sister and brother.
References:Brother chosen rather than husband or son. Only one can be saved; he alone is irreplaceable.
References:Relations by law.
Peasant and his wife as foster-parents of exposed king's son.
References:Living king's or nobleman's son as foster-son of his father's friend; considered an honor for the foster-father.
References:Foster-father as constant helper.
References:Faithful foster-brother.
References:King's son begs pardon for treacherous foster-brother.
References:Faithless foster-brother.
References:Magic writing makes foster-brothers enemies.
Stepfather. cf. 832.
Stepmother in love with stepson.
References:Other relatives.
References:Other social relationships.
Friends want to divide good and evil.
References:Sworn brethren.
References:Combatants become sworn brethren.
References:Blood-brotherhood. Friends take oath of brotherhood by means of mixing their blood.
References:Friends offer to die for each other. Each falsely confesses crime so as to save the other. Neither guilty.
References:Hospitality for a whole winter (by king or nobleman usual in old Scandinavia).
References:Guest given refuge.
References:Host treats guest with food and everything possible.
References:Host surrenders his wife to his guest.
References:Poor person makes great effort to entertain guests.
Christian king makes baptism a condition for hospitality during the winter.
References:Master and servant.
Faithful servant.
References:Faithful servant dies for his master (king). Puts on his clothes so as to be slain in his place.
References:Faithful servant wants to follow on dangerous quest, where he alone is killed.
References:Trades and professions.
References:Peasant refuses to sell possessions to king.
Wounded hero finds shelter and is cured in peasant's house.
References:Hero stays overnight in peasant's house, to which he accidentally comes, and where he gets advice and direction.
Learned profession.
References:Druid (poet, learned man).
References:Poet rewarded for poem.
References:Financiers and merchants.
Other trades and professions.
Soldier (especially a »landvarnar-maðr« with charge of the defence of the coast and the frontier against freebooters and foreign invasion).
Law courts.
References:Feudal tribute.
References:Military affairs.
Band of professional warriors.
References:Battle formations.
Roof of shields.
References:A wedge-shaped column in the form of a hog's snow.
References:Poisoned weapons.
References:Battle-cairn. Losses reckoned by number of stones remaining in pile after each survivor has removed one.
References:Defeat in battle.
Heads of fallen enemies piled up after battle.
»Publication of slaying«. Heads of slain enemies displayed.
References:Challenge to battle.
References:Pulling a man's beard as an insult.
Mourning custom.
References:Rewards and punishments.
Deeds rewarded.
Kindness rewarded.
Generosity rewarded.
Man frees slave.
References:Reward for giving counsel.
References:Hospitality rewarded.
References:Hospitality repaid by magic procuring of provisions.
References:Magic shirt and information about sought robbers as reward for rescue of poor fisherman.
References:Uprightness rewarded.
References:Rewards for other causes.
Reward for cleverness.
King rewards poem.
References:Answer rewarded with gold ring: message rewarded with purse with silver.
References:Nature of rewards.
Material rewards.
References:Riches as reward.
References:Gold ring as reward.
References:Giant gives gold, silver, and weapon as reward for good advice.
References:Half of kingdom as reward.
Kingdom as reward.
Kingdom as reward for finding abducted princess.
References:One third of kingdom and the king's daughter as reward for getting victory-stone during the night.
References:Knighthood as reward.
Gifts as reward.
References:Precious knife and belt as gift on unknown helper's spearshaft outside his tent.
References:Freedom as reward.
Miraculous or magic rewards.
References:Miraculously long life as reward.
References:Miraculously long life as reward for hospitality.
Supernatural manifestations at death of pious person.
References:Immunity from disaster as reward.
Life spared as reward. cf. M168.1.
Life spared as reward for hospitality.
References:Religious rewards.
Reward: admission to heaven.
Deeds punished.
Crimes punished.
Murder punished.
References:Murder of children punished.
References:Killing an animal revenged.
References:Fratricide punished.
References:Theft punished.
References:Impiety punished.
References:Punishment for desecration of holy places (images, etc.).
References:Punishment for desecrating church.
Punishment for neglect of services to gods (God).
Neglect to fast punished.
Sexual sins punished.
References:Adultery punished.
References:Incontinence punished- miscellaneous.
Seduction punished.
Punishment for ravisher.
References:Deceptions punished.
Treachery punished.
References:Misdeeds concerning property punished.
Unkindness punished.
Injustice punished.
Sack of flour pushed down on peasant who accuses his wife of having stolen it.
References:Slander punished.
References:Overweening punished.
Meddling punished.
References:Kinds of punishment.
Capital punishment.
Death as punishment.
Undesired suitor hiding under girl's bed is killed.
Undesired suitor killed asleep in his tent.
References:Death as punishment for impudence.
References:Death as punishment for desecration of holy places (images, etc.).
References:Death as punishment for thievery.
Punishment: hanging.
References:Threat of hanging.
References:Hanging as punishment for theft (plundering).
References:Hanging as punishment for adultery.
References:Hanging as punishment for murder.
References:Punishment: king hung between two fires.
References:Punishment: being eaten by animals.
Punishment: man eaten by worms.
References:Punishment: dropping and dashing to pieces.
Traitor thrown into pit so that he sticks to the waist, and is then chased out of the country.
References:Punishment by poisoning.
References:Punishment: cutting throat.
References:Punishment: stoning to death (usually because of witchcraft since witches and magicians are supposed to be invulnerable to weapons).
References:Punishment: breaking upon a wheel.
References:Abridgement of freedom as punishment.
Punishment: banishment (exile).
References:Banishment for seduction.
Banishment for murder.
References:Punishment: fettering.
References:Cruel punlshments.
Mutilation as punishment.
References:Strong girl breaks impudent suitor's right hand and left foot.
References:Hands cut off as punishment.
Tongue cut off as punishment.
References:Nose cut off as punishment.
References:Nose cut off as punishment for adultery.
Blinding as punishment.
References:Blinding as punishment for ravisher.
Punishment: genitalia cut off. cf. S176.
Flaying alive as punishment.
References:Flogging as punishment.
References:Throwing into a pit as punishment.
Throwing into pit of snakes as punishment.
References:Embarkation in leaky vessel as punishment.
References:Punishment: abandonment on cliff that is submerged at high tide.
References:Punishment by drowning.
References:Casting into water in sack (barrel) as punishment.
Man thrown into waterfall as punishment for alleged violating of princess.
References:Other cruel punishments.
Punishment: twisting entrails from body.
References:Humilating punishments.
References:Branding as punishment.
References:Punishment: disgraceful journey through streets.
Tedious punishments.
Unremitting torture as punishment.
Wandering as a punishment.
Punishment: wandering till iron shoes are worn out.
Warrior retires to a cloister which he later defends against robbers.
References:Miraculous punishments.
Magic manifestatiom as punishments.
Magic sickness as punishment.
References:Punishment: shipwreck.
References:Earthquake as punishment.
References:Earthquake at dragon's death.
References:Earthquake at witch's death.
References:Divine favor withdrawn as punishment.
References:Mysterious death as punishment.
References:Other miraculous punishments.
Punishment and remission.
Magic paralysis as punishment remitted.
Captives and fugitives.
Hero captured by being pressed between shields from all sides: »at honum váru bornir skildir«.
References:Princess (maiden) abducted.
References:Princess (maiden) abducted by monster (ogre, giant).
References:Abduction by animal.
References:Abduction by rejected sailor.
References:Abduction through underground passage.
Places of captívity.
References:Captivity in tower (castle, prison).
References:Captivity in dungean.
Prison filled with snakes.
References:Groom as prisoner in his and giantess's bridal chamber.
References:Conditions of captivity.
Mistreatment of prisoners.
Prisoners starved.
References:Captivity as refuge for the captive.
Woman hidden in underground chamber, hill, or mud cabin.
References:Faithful servant locks his master and his friend up in a little house built from wood from their wrecked ships; they falsely think themselves betrayed.
References:Behavior of captives. cf. H1561.3.
Defeated warriors go into the conqueror's service.
References:Defeated enemy turns conqueror's best friend.
References:Defeated enemy's son turns conqueror's man.
Warriors fiee after their chief's death.
References:Rescue of captive princess (maiden).
References:Princess rescued from captor.
Rescue of princess (maiden) from giant (»tröll«).
References:Rescue of princess (maiden) from magician.
References:Princess (maiden) rescued from undesired suitor.
References:Princess rescued from place of captivity.
Means of rescue from prison.
Miraculous rescue.
References:Rescue of abandoned or lost persons.
Mermaid rescues heroine who has been thrown overboard.
References:Rescue from shipwreck.
Husband rescues wife.
References:Parents rescue child.
Mother rescues son.
Children rescue parents.
Lover rescues his lady from abductor.
References:Other rescuers.
References:Hero rescued by servant.
References:Unknown helper(s) emerge(s) in the last moment and turn(s) out later to be well known.
References:Rescue - miscellaneous motifs.
Escapes and pursuits.
References:Captive bores way out of prison.
References:Escape from grave.
Man buried alive with king escapes from the tomb.
References:Escape from ship while captors quarrel.
Escape from ship by jumping into the sea.
References:Wife flees from husband.
References:Obstacle flight - Atlanta type. Objects are thrown back which the pursuer stops to pick up while the fugitive escapes.
References:Pursuers aided by magic weather phenomenon.
References:Fugitive aided by magic mist.
References:Dew in footprints reveals man's way.
References:Refuges and recapture.
Tree refuge.
Cave as refuge.
Refuge on rock in sea.
Well (spring) as refuge.
References:Girl hidden in skin of her dead mother.
Refuge in air.
Escape from battle by flying in air.
References:Unnatural cruelty.
Cruel relatives.
Cruel relative.
Cruel parents.
Cruel father.
Father plans child's death.
Jealous father vows to kill daughter's suitor.
References:Cruel mother.
Cruel children and grandchildren.
Cruel step- and foster relatives.
Cruel stepmother.
References:Cruel spouse.
Other cruel relatives.
Cruel brother (sister).
References:Revolting murders or mutilations.
References:Old people killed in famine.
References:Murder by strangling.
Slaves killed by hanging.
References:Prisoners taken in war (enemy's messengers) hanged.
References:Murder by suffocation.
Murder by cutting.
Murder by cutting adversary in two.
References:Burial alive.
Burial of living husband or wife with dead spouse.
Miscellaneous cruel murders.
References:Murder by twisting out intestines.
References:Head of murdered man displayed before his own house.
Head of murdered man taken along as trophy.
References:Other indignities to corpse.
Heads of slain enemies impaled on stakes.
References:Murder by tearing out heart.
References:Cruel abandonments and exposures.
Abandonment of aged.
References:Exposure in boat.
References:Abandonment in pit.
Mutilation: cutting off hands (arms).
References:Mutilation: cutting off legs (feet).
References:Mutilation: putting out eyes.
References:»Blood-eagle« cut on man's back by flaying and salting.
References:Mutilation by crushing.
References:Mutilation: tearing off ears.
References:Angry paramour bites off his mistress' nose.
References:Girl fastened by hair to rafter.
References:Frightful meal.
References:Cruel sacrifices.
Children sold or promised.
Child sold (promised) to devil (Odin).
References:Reasons for promise (sale) of child.
Childless couple promise child to the devil if they may only may have one.
References:Periodic sacrifices to a monster.
Sacrifice to appease spirits (gods).
Child sacrificed to provide blood for cure of friend.
Sacrifice of child demanded as cure for feigned sickness.
Sacrifice of child to remove barrenness.
References:Abandoned or murdered children.
Reasons for abandonment of children.
Children abandoned (driven forth, exposed) by hostile relative.
References:Exposure prevented.
Youth makes statue of girl and seeks a girl like the statue.
References:Love through sight of something belonging to unknown princess.
The symptoms of love.
References:Swooning for love.
Lovers' meeting.
References:Lovers' meeting: hero in service of heroine.
Lovers meet at social gathering.
Falling in love while playing game.
Lovers' rendezvous.
Lover finds lady in tomb apparently dead. She revives and marries him.
References:Communication of lovers.
Communication of lovers through hole in wall.
References:Girl carefully guarded from suitors.
References:Wooing by emissary.
References:Wooing emissary admitted to woman's room.
References:King wooes through his daughter and the princess's maiden.
References:Bride purchased.
References:Dowry given at marriage of daughter.
References:Wooing the strong and beautiful bride.
References:Betrothal ceremony.
Children born on same night betrothed.
Earl's daughter as reward to knight who helped to kill fierce buffalo.
References:Wooing - Miscellaneous motifs.
100 brothers seek 100 sisters as wives. (Seven-seven, fifty-fifty, etc.).
The scorned lover.
References:Man scorned by his beloved (or her father).
References:Suitors ill-treated.
References:Scorned lover kills successful one.
Rejected suitor's revenge.
References:Death from love.
References:Woman dies on hearing of lover's or husband's death.
References:Woman stricken by plague and forsaken by her husband is sought out by unsuccessful lover and dies in his arms.
Love - miscellaneous motifs.
Unequals in love.
References:Noble and lowly in love.
Princess falls in love with lowly boy.
References:Father opposed to daughter's marriage.
References:Lovers' flight.
References:Love - additional motifs.
Rejected suitor wages war.
References:Victor demands defeated king's daughter (widow) in marriage.
References:Unusual marriage.
References:Marriage of mortal and supernatural being.
References:Marriage of a mortal and a god.
References:God as lover of giantess (18 giantesses).
References:Unequal marriage.
References:Marriage customs.
Marriage restrictions.
Father promises that girl may wed only man of her choice.
References:Brother's consent for sister's marriage needed.
References:Travel to wedding.
Wedding ceremony.
Marriage by drinking festival, »drekka brúðlaup«.
References:Two or more weddings at one time as the end of a tale.
References:Accompaniments of wedding.
Wedding feast.
References:Amusements at wedding.
References:Marriage odes sung at wedding feast.
References:Gifts at wedding.
Parting gifts after wedding.
References:Customs following wedding.
Dying man assigns bride to his brother.
References:Happenings at weddings.
References:Other respites from unwelcome marriage.
References:Consummation of marriage.
Dangers to husband in bridal chamber.
Bride's monster-father tries to kill husband, but is defeated.
References:Married life.
Faithfulness in marriage.
References:Faithfulness to marriage in death.
References:Wife prefers to be burned together with husband even though she was forced to marry him and she has helped to prepare the revenge.
References:Spouse's corpse kept after death.
Wife's corpse kept after death.
References:Faithfulness of married couple in misfortune.
Wife travels for years with sick husband in order to have him cured.
References:Characteristics of wives and husbands.
The overbearing wife.
Cock shows browbeaten husband how to rule his wife.
References:Jealous wife or husband.
Jealousy of rival wives.
References:Jealous husband spends all his earnings as skillful smith bribing courtiers not to talk to his wife, and at last locks her up in hut in the forest.
References:Other aspects of married life.
Chastity and celibacy.
Celibacy and continence.
Maiden queen prefers to fight instead of marrying. She usually scorns or even kills her suitors or sets them difficult tasks.
References:Continence in marriage.
References:Girl strikes man who tries to kiss her.
References:Escape from undesired lover by strategy.
References:Anchorites under temptation.
Chaste sleeping together.
References:Chastity and celibacy - miscellaneous.
Imprisoned virgin to prevent knowledge of men (marriage, impregnation).
References:Illicit sexual relations.
Prostitution and concubinage.
References:Getting advice from a woman in bed.
References:Woman sells favors for particular purpose.
References:Woman sacrifices her honor to free her husband (brother) from prison.
References:Woman sells favors to slave who helps her to escape undesired suitor.
References:Sexual perversions.
Illicit sexual relations - miscellaneous motifs.
Unknown (clandestine) paramour.
Conception and birth.
Miraculous conception.
Conception from eating.
References:Conception from eating a fruit.
Conception from eating animal.
Conception from eating parts of human being.
Miraculous birth.
Birth from unusual part of person's body.
References:Birth from nine mothers.
References:Monstrous births.
Child with extraordinary members (limbs).
References:Woman gives birth to animal.
Place and conditions of childbirth.
Conception and birth - miscellaneous motifs.
Care of children.
Care of children.
Nurture and growth of children.
References:Suckling of children.
Supernatural growth.
References:Precocious Speech.
References:Illegitimate children.
Paramour leaves token with girl to give their son.
References:Hero leaves bedmate keys to treasure chamber for the son she is supposed to bear.
References:Care of children - miscellaneous motifs.
Religious services.
Religious services, »blót«.
References:Objects of worship.
References:Worship of spirits.
Worship of heavenly bodies.
Worship of the sun.
References:Worship of elements of nature.
References:Worship of earth. cf. A400.
Worship of minerals and metals.
Sacred stones.
References:Horse worship.
References:Dog worship.
References:Worship of idols.
Worship of wooden idols, »skurðgoð«, »trémenn«.
References:Power to which sacrifice is made.
Nature of sacrifice.
Animals as sacrifice.
Pig as sacrifice.
Ox (bull) as sacrifice.
References:Horse as sacrifice.
References:Purpose of sacrifice.
Sacrifice for a good year, crops.
References:Sacrifice to get help in danger. Sacrifice for victory.
References:Sacrifice for good weather.
References:Sacrifice to get knowledge.
Confession of sins.
Confession brings forgiveness of sin.
Confession - Miscellaneous motifs.
Search for confessor. Great sinner sent from one confessor to another. All say that his sins are too great for forgiveness. Finally he succeeds.
Sacrament - miscellaneous motifs.
Wicked woman unable to endure presence of host at mass.
Objects supplied through prayer.
References:Funeral rites.
References:Various ways of disposing of dead.
References:Dead placed on boat.
References:Dead burned on pyre.
References:Coffin buried upright.
Christian buried in stone coffin.
References:Burial in grave-mound.
References:Money tied on corpse thrown overboard from ship in order to secure burial.
Commemoration of death.
Drinking festival in memory of the dead, »drekka erfi«.
References:Professional mourning.
Funeral song sung over dead.
Accompaniments of burial.
References:Ornaments, weapons, etc. buried with hero.
References:Treasure buried with the dead.
References:Men buried with dead chief.
References:Captain buried with his crew.
References:Funeral rites - miscellaneous.
Religious feasts and fasts.
Religious services - miscellaneous.
References:Punishment for profane use of the cross.
References:Religious edifices and objects.
Religious buildings.
References:Stones for building church (chapel) miraculously supplied.
References:Church bells.
References:Image of deity in wood (stone).
References:Other sacred objects connected with worship. cf. Q222.6.
Sacred relics.
References:Saint's bones for lack of worship remove themselves from church.
References:Sacred persons.
Saints (and other holy men).
References:Miraculous healing by saint.
References:Marvelous light accompanying saint.
References:Saints have miraculous knowledge.
References:Saints - miscellaneous.
Saint banishes snakes.
References:Guardian angel.
References:Religious beliefs.
Conversion from one religion to another.
References:Conversion to Christianity.
References:Conversion to Christianity through miracle: usually because the adversary's god turns out to be the stronger.
References:Baptism of heathen.
References:Conflicts between religions.
References:Duel (debate) to prove which religion is better.
References:Christian hero overthrows heathen idals.
References:Religious virtues.
Religious orders.
Clerical virtues and vices.
Religious martyrdom. #Úlf# 219 (cf. 221); #Kirial# 65.
Clerical vows.
Warrior retires into monastery in his old days.
References:Religious motifs - miscellaneous.
Traits of character.
References:Favorable traits of character.
Munificent monarch.
References:Generosity toward enemy.
References:Hospitality as a virtue.
References:Other favorable traits of character.
References:Unfavorabie traits of character.
Unfavorable traits of character - personal.
References:Unfavorable traits of character - social.
References:Violence of temper.
References:Humor of disability.
Other physical disabilities.
Humor based on drunkenness.
Miscellaneous groups of motifs.
Chains with interdependent members.
The old woman and her pig.
Other formulistic motifs.
Color formula.
Series: white cock, red cock, black cock. These crow at dawn and scatter ghosts.
References:Formulistic numbers.
Formulistic number: three.
References:Formulistic number: seven.
References:Formulistic number: nine.
References:Formulistic number: twelve.
References:Abstractions personified.
References:Old age personified.
References:Sea personified.
References:Time personified.
References:Wisdom personified.
Red as symbol of falsity.
References:Symbolic color: white.
Symbolic color: black.
References:Other symbols.
References:Scorn by throwing gold into one's face.
References:Animals as symbols (in heraldry).
References:Unique exceptions.
Unique exceptions.
References:Unique vulnerability.
References:Unique deadly weapon.
References:Giant ogre can be killed only with his own sword.
References:Sword which will break in only one peril.
References:Other unique exceptions.