Medieval Scandinavian Motif Database

Bibliography for: Lagerholm

Åke Lagerholm: Drei Lygisögur, in Altnordische Sagabibliothek XVII 1927.

Works with this reference:


Magic object acquired through trickery: child forced to cry till object is given.

EgÁsm XIV 10/
cf. Lagerholm 66.


Magic shirt (cloak, armor) gives invulnerability.

cf. D1056;
Skáldsk 55 (44);
Ldb ch. 27, 125 (52 n.);
Eyrb XVIII 21;
Vatnsd XIX 2;
Njála CLV 22;
GullÞ ch. 3;
Sturl I 363;
ÓláfH ch. 193, 228 in Hkr II 1, ch. 182 in FMS V 42 (cf. F821.1.3);
Herv 11, 99;
Völs ch. 44 (42);
RagnarL ch. 3 (2), 15 (14);
RagnarS ch. 1 (FAS I 346);
(y.) ÖOdd 101, 119-20, 129, 133 (ch. XXIX 14, FAS II 215, 231, 245, 351);
(y.) Bósa 110 ch. 11;
EgÁsm XV 3 (FAS III 397);
HrómGr 375 ch. 7;
GHrólf 250, 256, 279, 322 ch. 4, 6, 16, 30;
SörlaSt 415, 419, 439 ch. 3, 5, 18;
SturlSt 606 ch. 9;
HálfdBr 576, 587 ch. 8, 11;
ÞorstB 180 ch. 3;
ÁsmVík 25-26, 32-33 ch. 14, 15;
SigrgFr 105 ch. 16;
VilhSj 14-15 ch. 7;
ÚlfU ch. 1;
Amb 172 ch. 36 (35);
Konr 61 ch. 6;
Bæring 119 ch. 31;
Ector ch. 2;
HringH 6 ch. 2;
Kóngab 5, 11, 14 ff.;
Andr 37-38;
Saxo lib. II c. IV 2, lib. III c. II 10 and III 4, lib. IV c. X 3
Herrm 219, 315;
cf. Lagerholm 69 n.


Magic garment prevents burning.

HálfdBr 576 ch. 8;
SörlaSt 415, 419 ch. 3, 5;
EgÁsm XII 12-XIII 10 (FAS III 391-93)/
cf. Lagerholm 58/
GullÞ ch. 3/
Blómst 46;
(y.) Bósa 110 ch. 11.


Magic transportation by carpet (cloth).

EgÁsm XV 2, 16-20 (FAS III 397, 399);
SigrgFr ch. 7/
ViktorBl 38-39 ch. 12;
Gibbon 4 ch. 1;
cf. Lagerholm 68.


Fugitives' way revealed by magic.

HrólfKr ch. 1 (FAS I 5);
EgÁsm IX 8 (FAS III 383)/
cf. Lagerholm 44;
SigrgV ch. 20;
Kóngab 13, 16.


Giantess's punishment is pure illusion.

EgÁsm XII 11 (FAS III 391)/
cf. Lagerholm 58.


People swim in imaginary rising river.

SörlaSt 443 ch. 19;
cf. EgÁsm XII 11 and Lagerholm's note.


Wound healed only by person who gave it (or by member of his family).

Álafl XII 3/
cf. Lagerholm lxv-vi;
HaraldHr 268-69.


Star (cross) on breast.

cf. Lagerholm 87 n. ad Álafl.


Hero's precocious strength.

cf. T585.
Hero remarkably strong already one day old:
HHu I st. 6;
twelve months old:
Þiðr I 303;
three years old:
ÖOdd 126-27 (FAS II 241-43);
seven years old:
ÖOdd 126-27 (FAS II 241)/
ÞorstUxaf 252 (FMS III 113)/
OrmSt 521 (FMS III 205);
nine years old:
Flóam ch. 11/
ÁnB 327 ch. 1/
Yngv 6/
Þiðr I 73, 305, 308;
ten years old:
ÖOdd 133 (FAS II 251-52);
twelve years old:
SnE Prol. ch. 3/
HálfdS ch. 5/
HaraldHárf ch. 32 in Hkr I 90, 144/
Eyrb XLIV 11/
Eg XI 12/
Laxd XVI 21, LIX 5/
GunnlO 59 ch.4 (V 7)/
Band 295/
HrólfKr 27-28, 54 ch. 9, 20 (FAS I ch. 12, 28)/
Herv 147 (FAS I 496; Skj II A 254)/
RagnarS ch. 5 (FAS I 358)/
HálfH X 1 (cf. 3), XVI st. 68 (FAS II 35, 56)/
ÖOdd 9 (ch. I 18; FAS II 506)/
ÁnB 327 ch. 1/
HjÖlv 459 ch. 4/
HálfdBr 568 ch. 4/
EgÁsm VI 2, 6, IX (FAS III 374, 375, 382)/
 cf. Lagerholm 41 n./
BárðSn 1, 19 ch. 1, 10/
ÞórðarH 96 ch. 4/
Þiðr I 32, 73-74, 133-34, II 84, 323/
OrmSt 521/
ÞorstUxaf 256 (FMS III 120; FjÍsl 452)/
FlóresS XXI 12/
Kirial 92/
NikL 4 ch. 1/
HringT 9-11/
KáraK 56 ch. 28/
Stark 5, 8 ch. 1, 3/
Herrm 69;
thirteen years old:
HálfH IX 3 (FAS II 35)/
BárðSn 2 ch. 1/
FlóresS XXII 15;
fourteen years old:
Bósa 7-8, 78-80 ch. 3, 4 (FAS III 196-97)/
Kirial 92/
Villif 4-5 ch. 3;
fifteen years old:
HHu I 10/
Flóam ch. 6, 9, 12/
 Hrómundar þáttr halta 312 ch. 5 in ÍslF/
Völs ch. 8 (BuggeE 180)/
Sögubr 13 ch. 4 (FAS I 374)/
RagnarL 119, 196 ch. 3 (2) st. 1 (FAS I 240)/
Skj II B 251;
ÖOdd 9 (ch. I 18; FAS II 506);
ÞorstVík 388 ch. 2;
SörlaSt 409, 428 ch. 1, 11;
HjÖlv 454 ch. 1;
Þiðr I 74;
ÁsmVík 9, 40 ch. 5, 20;
VilhSj 5 ch. 2;
SigrgV ch. 19;
ÁsmS 5b-v;
FlóresS XX 5 154;
Villif 21 ch. 12;
SamsF ch. 18;
ÞjJón 1 ch. 1;
Andr 2;
Saxo lib. I c. III 1, lib. VII c. X 11 =
Herrm 69;
sixteen years old:
Flóam ch. 12;
Villif 4-5 ch. 3;
GunnarK 242;
ParmesL 4 ch. 2;
Mars 4 ch. 2;
eighteen years old:
Flóam ch. 2;
ÁnB 327 ch. 2;
Dám 54 ch. 3;
nineteen years old:
Úlf 137;
twenty years old:
ParmesL 4-5 ch. 2-3;
Vígk ch. 2.


Escape by cutting fetters on stones, etc.

ÖOdd 110-11 (ch. XXXII 7);
EgÁsm VIII 5-9 (FAS III 380);
Sigþ 186 ch. 30;
Lagerholm 38.



EgÁsm ch. 9-10 (FAS III 384-86)/
cf. Lagerholm's note and introd. xxxiii;
Reuschel 112.


Husband and wife disguised as brother and sister.

Álafl ch. xv-xvi =
Lagerholm 110-14.


Vows taken as an old Norse custom at festivals, especially at Yule time.

cf. M155.
Harð ch. 14;
Jómsv ch. 33 (27);
EiríkV ch. 1 (Flb I 29);
HÞór ch. 12;
Svarfd ch. 19;
Flóam ch. 2;
ÓláfTr ch. 86, 291 in FMS I 161, II 154;
Herv 5, 54-55, 129 (FAS I 417, 463);
KetilH 125 ch. 4;
SturlSt 633 ch. 21;
IllGr 661 ch. 1;
Andr 18, 53, 70;
cf. Lagerholm 18 ad EgÁsm V 5;
CleaVig 253/
Fritzner I 779:
GrønbechVFO IV 69-70, 126;
Reuschel 66;
Schlauch 25, 102;
Vries 151.


Price set on one's head.

Njála LXXXVII 41;
ÞorstVík 439 ch. 19;
Þiðr II 320 (307);
ÁnB 342 ch. 5;
Álafl IX 3 =
Lagerholm 100;
AtlaÓ 5 ch. 4;
Vígk 14 ch. 4.


Curse given on wedding night.

Álafl VIlI 3-XI 5 =
Lagerholm 99-105/
cf. ESveinsson 1929 xxx-xxxii.


Jealous sisters curse the child one of them may have by the god Thor, so that it never will grow nor thrive.

EgÁsm XII 5 (FAS III 390)/
cf. Lagerholm 56, who also quotes Elís saga ok Rósamundu 65.


Separation of family by shipwreck.

FlóresS ch. 9 ff. =
Lagerholm 138.


King's son falsely accuses foster-brother of attempt to seduce his sister.

FlóresS XXI 12 ff./
cf. Lagerholm 161-631, introd. lxxviii.


Surviving blood-brother to watch three nights in grave-mound.

EgÁsm VI 10;
cf. Lagerholm xxiv-xxix.


Peasant and his wife in hut near castle as contrast to king and queen.

Njála LXXXVII 648 ch. 1;
Álafl I-III/
cf. Lagerholm lxi-vii.


Defiant prisoners refuse to accept grace even from their father unless it is granted them all.

cf. M165.
ÞorvV in FMS I 257-59 (FjÍsl 480-82);
FlóresS ch. XXIII-VI =
Lagerholm 170-74.


Rescue from shipwreck.

Ldb ch. 213;
ÖOdd 117 (ch. XXXIII 8; FAS II 538);
HrólfG 33-34 ch. 21 (FAS III 119-20);
HálfdBr 567-72 ch. 4-5;
Vígl 74-75 ch. 16;
Finnb ch. 10;
Þiðr Il 287-89;
FlóresS XX 3 =
Lagerholm 154;
Stark 26 ch. 8;
KáraK 38, 46-47, 57 ch. 17, 22, 28;
Kóngab 7-8, 17;
Bæring 92-93 ch. 10;
ParmesL 16, 23 ch. 8, 10;
Bragð 47 ch. 1;
cf. giantess wrestles with hero in order to warn him after shipwreck:
ÞorstVík 435 ch. 19.


Mermaid rescues hero (boy) from shipwreck.

FlóresS XXII 3-6 =
Lagerholm 164-65.


Gam (cf. B31.2) rescues hero (boy) from shipwreck.

FlóresS XXI 1-2 =
Lagerholm 163-64.


Ogre tries to retain fugitive by tempting him with gold ring, but be takes ring by cutting off the hand.

EgÁsm X 12-13 =
Lagerholm 48, xxxiv n.


Murder by breaking back, bones.

cf. G512.7.
Skáldsk ch. 27 (18) =
Saxo lib. VIII c. XIV 15 =
Herrm 592/
Skj I 142;
Finnb ch. 13;
OrmSt 530;
FlóresS XVIII 5-6, ed. Lagerholm 152.


Burial of living man with dead blood-brother.

EgÁsm VI 9-10/
cf. Lagerholm's introd. xxiv-xxix;
Saxo lib. V c. XI 1 =
Herrm 367/
cf. E461.2.


Preparations for burial.

Vatnsd XI 2;
Völs ch. 22 (21), 40 (38)/
cf. Atlam 103;
HálfdE V 20 (FAS III 526);
EgÁsm VII 11 (FAS III 378);
Yngv 28-30;
Þiðr II 257-58, 268;
cf. Kålund 1870 367 ff.;
Lagerholm 33.