Transformation and disenchantment at will.
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cf. D113.1;
* and, in general, references throughout D610-629, D640-659, D670-699;
Nearly all of those motifs involve the idea of voluntary transformation. In Old Icelandic the idea of people possessing a power like this is often expressed through the words »hamramr« »eigi einhamr«, »hamhleypa«, »fara hamfari«.
Eyrb ch. LXI 5;
Eg I 8, III 18-20, XXVII 6, LIX 52, LXXII 11;
GullÞ ch. 14, 18;
ÁnB ch. 29;
Hávarð ch. 1;
Sturl I 5;
Ys ch. 6-1 (Odin);
Hóam ch. 16;
Völs ch. 9;
Bósa 25, 84 ch. 8, 6 (
FAS III 210);
ÞorstVík 390, 395 ch. 3, 5;
GHrólf 241 ch. 2;
SörlaSt 426 ch. 10;
HálfdBr 573 n. ch. 6;
BárðSn 11, 14, 18 ch. 5, 8, 9;
OrmSt 521, 522, 524;
ÞórðarH 95 ch. 3;
HálfdE ch. 8;
Sigþ ch. 25;
SkáldH 18 ch. 6;
Vald 63 ch. 1;
Mágus ch. 61.
StrömbäckSejd 21 (ad
Ls 24), 160 ff. ch. IV »Sejd och hamskifte«;
Reuschel 114;
Schlauch 124;
MC 46;
Saussaye 298f.