Blind god.
Palaces of the gods.
Banquets of the gods.
Drink of the gods.
Attendants and servants of the gods.
Ravens as attendants of god.
Judge and tribunal of the gods.
Universe from body of slain giant.
Valhöll. The hall of the warriors who go to Odin.
Valhöll has 640 doors.
Goat (Heiðrún) in Valhöll gives mead.
Hog (Sæhrímnir) in Valhöll gives meat.
Deer (Eikþyrnír) in Valhöll fills the fountain Hvergelmir.
River (in hell) filled with weapons.
Gate around hell.
Charioteer of the sun. Sun drives his horses and chariot across sky.
Navel of the earth.
Others streams from roots of earth-tree.
Snake(s) at roots of earth-tree.
Hart(s) eating of the earth-tree.
Chattering squirrel in the earth-tree.
Wise eagle in the earth-tree.
Hawk in the earth-tree.
Origin of night and day.
Night and day have steeds and chase each other.
Horse with golden (or silver) mane.
Dog with magic wisdom.
Magic seat gives omniscience.
Inexhaustible vessel.
Castle thatched with golden shields in otherworld.
Castles of gold and silver in otherworld.
Castles thatched with silver in otherworld.
Giants (giantesses) marry human beings.
Castle of extraordinary size.
540 (640) rooms in Bilskirnir.
Contest in enduring heat.
Treacherous brother.
Accidental death from fall on own weapan (armor).
Secret learned by torture.
Boy as helper.
Health as reward for drink.
Punishment: king hung between two fires.
Man springs ashore and pushes companion in boat out to sea.