Eagle as bird of ill-omen.
Show referencesMagic storm (»gerningahríð«, »galdrahrið«, »kyngiveðr«).
Show referencesMagic love-philtre.
Show referencesMagician.
Show referencesFinns (or Fins or »Bjarmar«) as magicians.
Show referencesFuture revealed in dream.
Show referencesDead body incorruptible.
Show referencesWarrior of special strength (berserk).
Show referencesHero's precocious strength.
Show referencesSword cuts everything.
Show referencesHero hidden and ogre deceived by his wife (daughter) when he says that he smells human blood.
Show referencesWisdom (knowledge) from dream.
Show referencesAcquisition and possession of wisdom - miscellaneous.
Show referencesEnemies invited to banquet (visit) and killed.
Show referencesVictim burned in his own house.
Show referencesGod persuades hero to substitute a false bride for his father, this results in a fight where the son kills the father.
Show referencesPrince substitutes peasant girl for the king's daughter he has got for his father, but with whom he himself has fallen in love.
Show referencesSparrows of Cirencester.
Show referencesMan tricked to be one's sworn brother in order to secure his help against his mother.
Show referencesVow not to shave or cut hair until a certain time.
Show referencesLots cast to determine luck or fatte.
Show referencesAccidental meeting with the son of the only person who can overcome curse on hero.
Show referencesEarl.
Show referencesTwo brothers follow and help each other on piracy, etc.
Show referencesTwo brothers as contrasts.
Show referencesWounded hero finds shelter and is cured in peasant's house.
Show references»Publication of slaying«. Heads of slain enemies displayed.
Show referencesThreat of hanging.
Show referencesThrowing into pit of snakes as punishment.
Show referencesPrincess (maiden) abducted.
Show referencesWarriors fiee after their chief's death.
Show referencesMutilation: putting out eyes.
Show references»Blood-eagle« cut on man's back by flaying and salting.
Show referencesWooing by emissary.
Show referencesThe scorned lover.
Show referencesWife's corpse kept after death.
Show referencesMiraculous healing by saint.
Show references