Magic storm (»gerningahríð«, »galdrahrið«, »kyngiveðr«).
Show referencesAcquisition and possession of wisdom - miscellaneous.
Show referencesEnemies invited to banquet (visit) and killed.
Show referencesVictim burned in his own house.
Show referencesGod persuades hero to substitute a false bride for his father, this results in a fight where the son kills the father.
Show referencesPrince substitutes peasant girl for the king's daughter he has got for his father, but with whom he himself has fallen in love.
Show referencesMan tricked to be one's sworn brother in order to secure his help against his mother.
Show referencesAccidental meeting with the son of the only person who can overcome curse on hero.
Show referencesThreat of hanging.
Show referencesWarriors fiee after their chief's death.
Show references