Magic rock (stone).
Show referencesMagic jewel (jewels).
Show referencesStone gives magic wisdom.
Show referencesMagic love-philtre.
Show referencesSacred healing stone.
Show referencesFuture revealed in dream.
Show referencesMagic invulnerability.
Show referencesReturn from dead to give counsel.
Show referencesPerson of unusual color.
Show referencesFeet with unusual number of toes.
Show referencesFighting with twelve berserks (tröll).
Show referencesQuestion (propounded on quest): Why has spring gone dry? Answer: Animal to be removed from its water-vein.
Show referencesThe entrapped suitors (Lai l'épervier). The chaste wife has them one at a time undress and hide. The husband and guests come and chase them off.
Show referencesFaithful servant.
Show referencesWounded hero finds shelter and is cured in peasant's house.
Show referencesPoet.
Show references»Publication of slaying«. Heads of slain enemies displayed.
Show referencesBurial in grave-mound.
Show referencesMiraculous healing by saint.
Show referencesChristian hero overthrows heathen idals.
Show referencesWarrior retires into monastery in his old days.
Show references