Medieval Scandinavian Motif Database

Bibliography for: OrmSt

Orms þáttr Stórólfssonar, in Flateyjarbók I p. 521-33, (= Fornmanna Sögur III p. 204-28; Fjörtíu Íslendingaþættir p. 205-22).

Works with this reference:


Mortal as umpire of quarrel between gods.

ESveinsson 1929 xxxix-xli;
cf. KetilH 116 ch. 3;
cf. OrmSt in FMS III 221-23;
cf. ÞorstB in FMS III 181;
cf. ÞorstUxaf in FMS III 114.


Transformation and disenchantment at will.

cf. D113.1;
* and, in general, references throughout D610-629, D640-659, D670-699;
Nearly all of those motifs involve the idea of voluntary transformation. In Old Icelandic the idea of people possessing a power like this is often expressed through the words »hamramr« »eigi einhamr«, »hamhleypa«, »fara hamfari«.
Eyrb ch. LXI 5;
Eg I 8, III 18-20, XXVII 6, LIX 52, LXXII 11;
GullÞ ch. 14, 18;
ÁnB ch. 29;
Hávarð ch. 1;
Sturl I 5;
Ys ch. 6-1 (Odin);
Hóam ch. 16;
Völs ch. 9;
Bósa 25, 84 ch. 8, 6 (FAS III 210);
ÞorstVík 390, 395 ch. 3, 5;
GHrólf 241 ch. 2;
SörlaSt 426 ch. 10;
HálfdBr 573 n. ch. 6;
BárðSn 11, 14, 18 ch. 5, 8, 9;
OrmSt 521, 522, 524;
ÞórðarH 95 ch. 3;
HálfdE ch. 8;
Sigþ ch. 25;
SkáldH 18 ch. 6;
Vald 63 ch. 1;
Mágus ch. 61.
cf. StrömbäckSejd 21 (ad Ls 24), 160 ff. ch. IV »Sejd och hamskifte«;
Reuschel 114;
Schlauch 124;
MC 46;
Saussaye 298f.


Magic object received from giantess in dream.

cf. D812.11.
OrmSt 529 (FMS III 223, FjÍsl 216);
Vald 56 ch. 1.


Magic writings (runes).

cf. D45;
Háv 139 ff.;
37, 44-46;
Sigrdr 9-19 =
Völs ch. 21 (20) st. 12-19;
Guðr II 2 =
Völs ch. 35 (33);
Vatnsd XXXIV 11;
Eg XLIV 8-9, LVII 57;
Orkn ch. 58;
Krákumál st. 1 (7) in Skj I 649 (FAS I 300);
ÞorstUxaf 251 (FMS III 109; FjÍsl 442);
OrmSt 530: málajárn;
Herv 2: málasax;
HrólfKr ch. 20 (FAS I 52);
Vigl 79 ch. 17;
ViktorBl in ZDPh XXVI 24;
HeðinH ch. 4;
Ector ch. 6; MC 295-98.


Magic (iron) glove gives strength.

Gylf ch. 11 (20)/
MC 22, 84;
OrmSt 529 (FMS III 223, FjÍsl 216-17).


Magic strength resides in beard.

OrmSt 530.


Magic invulnerability.

cf. B44;
Sinfj 204;
Svarfd ch. 5, 7;
GullÞ ch. 17;
Ldb ch. 8. 11, 14, 39, 126, 243, 306;
Eg XI 5;
MagnúsBl ch. 11 in Hkr III =
HaraldG ch. 13 in FMS VII 192;
Skálda 8 in Hb 455;
ÖOdd 126, 133 (FAS II 241, 251);
KetilH 123 ch. 3;
GrímL 143 ch. 1;
HrómGr 366 ch. 2;
ÞorstVík 391, 446 ch. 3, 22;
HrólfG 26, 28 ch. 16, 17 (FAS III 106-7, 110);
Bósa 58 ch. 14 (FAS III 230);
Bósa 84 ch. 6 (÷ FAS III);
GHrólf 285, 330, 332 ch. 17, 31;
SörlaSt 441 ch. 18;
SturlSt 606 ch. 9;
OrmSt 530;
Sigþ ch. 54;
HéðinH 17 ch. 8;
ÚlfU 784 ch. 3, 4 (in ZDPh XXVI 24);
Úlf 205, 210, 214;
KáraK 50 ch. 25;
Andr 3, 55;
Fertram ch. 12;
Fastus 7 ch. 2;
Ector ch. 6;
Saxo lib. III c. II 5, lib. VII c. X 3;
Herrm 312;
Dehmer 102;
Schlauch 105.


Giantess daughter of giant and abducted maiden (therefore helps hero).

cf. G530;
HálfdBr 572 ff. ch. 6-7;
IllGr 654 ch. 4;
ÞorstB 194-96 ch. 11-12;
Álafl V 3;
OrmSt 529;
Vald 76 ch. 3;
KáraK 64 ch. 31.


Giant son of black cat.

OrmSt 529.


Hero's precocious strength.

cf. T585.
Hero remarkably strong already one day old:
HHu I st. 6;
twelve months old:
Þiðr I 303;
three years old:
ÖOdd 126-27 (FAS II 241-43);
seven years old:
ÖOdd 126-27 (FAS II 241)/
ÞorstUxaf 252 (FMS III 113)/
OrmSt 521 (FMS III 205);
nine years old:
Flóam ch. 11/
ÁnB 327 ch. 1/
Yngv 6/
Þiðr I 73, 305, 308;
ten years old:
ÖOdd 133 (FAS II 251-52);
twelve years old:
SnE Prol. ch. 3/
HálfdS ch. 5/
HaraldHárf ch. 32 in Hkr I 90, 144/
Eyrb XLIV 11/
Eg XI 12/
Laxd XVI 21, LIX 5/
GunnlO 59 ch.4 (V 7)/
Band 295/
HrólfKr 27-28, 54 ch. 9, 20 (FAS I ch. 12, 28)/
Herv 147 (FAS I 496; Skj II A 254)/
RagnarS ch. 5 (FAS I 358)/
HálfH X 1 (cf. 3), XVI st. 68 (FAS II 35, 56)/
ÖOdd 9 (ch. I 18; FAS II 506)/
ÁnB 327 ch. 1/
HjÖlv 459 ch. 4/
HálfdBr 568 ch. 4/
EgÁsm VI 2, 6, IX (FAS III 374, 375, 382)/
 cf. Lagerholm 41 n./
BárðSn 1, 19 ch. 1, 10/
ÞórðarH 96 ch. 4/
Þiðr I 32, 73-74, 133-34, II 84, 323/
OrmSt 521/
ÞorstUxaf 256 (FMS III 120; FjÍsl 452)/
FlóresS XXI 12/
Kirial 92/
NikL 4 ch. 1/
HringT 9-11/
KáraK 56 ch. 28/
Stark 5, 8 ch. 1, 3/
Herrm 69;
thirteen years old:
HálfH IX 3 (FAS II 35)/
BárðSn 2 ch. 1/
FlóresS XXII 15;
fourteen years old:
Bósa 7-8, 78-80 ch. 3, 4 (FAS III 196-97)/
Kirial 92/
Villif 4-5 ch. 3;
fifteen years old:
HHu I 10/
Flóam ch. 6, 9, 12/
 Hrómundar þáttr halta 312 ch. 5 in ÍslF/
Völs ch. 8 (BuggeE 180)/
Sögubr 13 ch. 4 (FAS I 374)/
RagnarL 119, 196 ch. 3 (2) st. 1 (FAS I 240)/
Skj II B 251;
ÖOdd 9 (ch. I 18; FAS II 506);
ÞorstVík 388 ch. 2;
SörlaSt 409, 428 ch. 1, 11;
HjÖlv 454 ch. 1;
Þiðr I 74;
ÁsmVík 9, 40 ch. 5, 20;
VilhSj 5 ch. 2;
SigrgV ch. 19;
ÁsmS 5b-v;
FlóresS XX 5 154;
Villif 21 ch. 12;
SamsF ch. 18;
ÞjJón 1 ch. 1;
Andr 2;
Saxo lib. I c. III 1, lib. VII c. X 11 =
Herrm 69;
sixteen years old:
Flóam ch. 12;
Villif 4-5 ch. 3;
GunnarK 242;
ParmesL 4 ch. 2;
Mars 4 ch. 2;
eighteen years old:
Flóam ch. 2;
ÁnB 327 ch. 2;
Dám 54 ch. 3;
nineteen years old:
Úlf 137;
twenty years old:
ParmesL 4-5 ch. 2-3;
Vígk ch. 2.


Strong hero tests scythes: they all break.

OrmSt 522 (FMS III 206-07, FjÍsl 201-02).


Strong man uses rafter (»rótakylfa«, »kylfa«) as weapon.

OrmSt 531-32/
cf. Binns 1953 51;
Flóam ch. 16;
Þiðr I 36, 310, II 272;
ÖOdd 32-33, 98, 112, 184-85, 188-89 (ch. VIII 3, XXIX 6, XLIV 7-9, FAS II 177 ff., 213 ff., 292, 296, 514, 556);
SturlSt 608, 612 ch. 10, 12;
cf. GHrólf 252, 260-61 ch. 6, 8;
HjÖlv 494, 499 ch. 14, 15.


Mighty lifter.

cf. F631;
Hym 21 ff., 27 ff., 34 ff./
Gylf ch. 31 (46) =
MC 93;
Skáldsk ch. 25 (17) =
MC 82;
Gylf ch. 3 (4);
Grett ch. 50;
OrmSt 523-24 (FMS III 210-11);
MagnúsB =
GísIll VII 31-32 (FjÍsl 67-68);
Finnb ch. 20, 36.


Strong man throws carriage with horses and driver on top of haystack and breaks the driver's ribs.

OrmSt 521-24 (FMS III 206).


Strong man: breaker of iron (horseshoe).

cf. F611.3.2.2.
OrmSt 524 (FMS III 210-11).


Strong man carries giant load.

cf. F531.3.13;
HjÖlv 505-06 ch. 19;
ÁnB 328-29 ch. 2;
OrmSt 521-24, 532 (FMS III 205-10, 228;
FjÍsl 22);
FlóresS I 5.


Fire-spewing giantess.

SörlaSt 413-14 ch. 3;
OrmSt 521 (FMS III 214);
cf. Bósa 6-7 ch. 2.


Witch in form of cat.

OrmSt 526-30 (FMS III 214-24, FjÍsl 209-18);
Kóngab 25.


Black witch.

cf. F527.5.
KetilH 127 ch. 5;
(y.) Bósa 108, 113 ch. 10, 12;
OrmSt 527 (FMS III 214).


Hero kills witch.

cf. G500.1;
GullÞ ch.17;
HrólfG 54-55 ch. 32 (FAS III 155-56);
BárðSn 17 ch. 9, 34-35 ch. 16;
IllGr 650 ch. 2;
Friðþj VIII I (FAS II 84);
ÞorstUxaf 256 (FMS III 129);
back broken:
OrmSt 530 (FMS III 224, FjÍsl 218);
cut in two pieces:
Þiðr I 37, II 325-26;
HrólfKr 58-59, 107 ch. 22, 34 (FAS I 60, 109);
GrímL 146 ch. I;
SigrgFr 83 ch. 11;
SturlSt 622 ch. 16;
GunnarK 241;
in various other ways:
KáraK 66 ch. 32.


Fighting and wrestling with witch.

cf. G500.1;
Grett LXV 1-10;
GrímL 148 ch. 1;
SörlaSt 413-14 ch. 3;
HjÖlv 482-86 ch. 12;
HálfdBr 570-73 ch. 4-6;
IllGr 650 ch. 2;
Bósa 28-29, 108, 113-14 ch. 8, 10, 12;
ÞorstUxaf 259-60 (FMS III 127-29);
OrmSt 530 (FMS III 224, FjÍsl 217-18);
BárðSn 17 ch. 9;
JarlmH 41-42 ch. 23;
Þiðr I 36-37;
SigrgFr 83 ch. 11;
Sigþ ch. 19;
Vilm 180-81 ch. 18;
ÁsmFl 178;
GunnarK 241;
ÚlfU ch. 1;
Fertram ch. 2;
KáraK 11-12 ch. 5.


Men in driving boat (ship) fall into ogre's power.

cf. G121;
HálfdBr 569-71 ch. 4-5;
SörlaSt 410-17 ch. 2-4;
Part 32-39;
cf. OrmSt 526-31.


Ogre (ogress) defeated or killed in single combat (»glima«) (often together with G530.2 or N812.3).

cf. G275.8;
OrmSt 530 (FMS III 224, FjÍsl 218);
JökulþB 77;
Fertram ch. 2;
Andr 53-56;
Heinzel 53;
Dehmer 51 ff.;
Reuschel 111;
cf. the fight of Grettir (F531.
Schlauch 109 ff.


Backbone of ogre's old mother broken.

cf. G275.8;
BárðSn 34-35 ch. 16;
OrmSt 530.


Help from ogre's daughter (or son).

Kjaln ch. 14 ff.;
HálfdBr 574-75 ch. 7;
HjÖlv 471-73 ch. 9;
EgÁsm V 5 ff.;
ÁsmFl 174-76;
OrmSt 530;
HringH 6-9 ch. 2-3;
Vald 58 ch. 1;
Blómst 39-41 ch. 24;
cf. ÞorstVík 430 ch. 16;
Vilm ch. 12-13.


One foster-brother rescues another from ogre.

cf. P273.
OrmSt 526-31;
JarlmH 41-42 ch. 23.


Tasks assigned at suggestion of jealous rivals.

cf. H1219.6.
OrmSt 531-32;
ÓláfTr m Flb I 456 ff. (Eindriða þáttr ilbreiðs), cf. FSS xcvi-vii;
HálfdBr 581-88 ch. 11-15;
ÖOdd 150-67 (ch. XXXIX-XL; FAS II 265-82, 544-51);
Dehmer 23.


Tasks assigned because of girl's (boy's) own foolish boast.

cf. H1161.2.1;
MagnúsS ch. 27 in Hkr III 302;
ÞorstUxaf in Flb I 261-63 (FMS III 131-33, FjÍsl 463-64);
OrmSt in Flb I 532 (FMS III 126, FjÍsl 220-21);
Dehmer 23.


Task: defending oneself alone against fifteen ships, sixty men.

OrmSt 532.


Enraged old woman prophesies for youth.

OrmSt 524-25 (= FMS III 212-13; Skj II A 342)/
cf. StrömbäckSejd 96-100;
ÖOdd 10-17 (ch. II 11-15; FAS II 165-68, 506-08).


Prophecy: future greatness and fame.

ÞorvV 255-56;
OrmSt 525 (FMS III 212-13.


Sworn brethren and blood-brethren avenge each other.

cf. P251.3.1;
OrmSt 525 (FMS III 213; FjÍsl 208);
ÞorstVík 445 ch. 21;
EgÁsm VI 9 (cf. P311.1);
IllGr 649 ch. 1;
Þorgr 17 ch. 3;
cf. Saxo lib. I c. VIII 27 (Herrm 100), lib. IV c. I 11;
Jómsv ch. 14 (16).


Hospitality for a whole winter (by king or nobleman usual in old Scandinavia).

cf. H1219.7;
OrmSt in Flb I 531 (FMS III 219, FjÍsl 219-20);
Tóka 135-37 (FMS V 299-302);
Sneglu in Flb III 416-17 (FMS VI 361, FjÍsl 281);
Finnb ch. 19;
HrólfKr 43-44 ch. 15 (FAS I 44);
GHrólf 262-65, 321 ch. 9, 29;
HálfdE VII-VIII (FAS III 528-31);
EgÁsm II 7-9 (FAS III 367);
Yngv 15-16, 17-18;
ÁsmS 11-12;
ÞjJón ch. 2;
Kóngab 22-23;
HéðinH 10 ch. 5;
Þorgr ch. 2;
Gibbon 33 ch. 7;
RémK 53 ch. 14.


Murder by breaking back, bones.

cf. G512.7.
Skáldsk ch. 27 (18) =
Saxo lib. VIII c. XIV 15 =
Herrm 592/
Skj I 142;
Finnb ch. 13;
OrmSt 530;
FlóresS XVIII 5-6, ed. Lagerholm 152.


Murder by twisting out intestines.

cf. F531.1.8.5;
Njála CLVII 25;
GíslaS ch. 36 (XXXV 7)/
cf. Prinz 1935 119;
GullÞ ch.15;
OrmSt 527 (FMS III 217-18; FjÍsl 212-15);
Svarfd ch. 5;
Herv in FAS I 507-08;
Sögubr 23 ch. 9 (FAS I 386);
EgÁsm XIII 6;
ÞorstVík 452 ch. 23;
GHrólf 328 ch. 31;
SturlSt 643-44 ch. 26;
Bósa 59 ch. 14 (FAS III 231);
GHrólf 356 ch. 36;
HrólfG 45-46 ch. 28 (FAS 137- 38);
Amb 148-50 ch. 29 (28);
SkáldH 28 ch. 9;
Vígk 14 ch. 4;
Blómst 40 ch. 24;
Stark 11 ch. 3;
Saxo lib. XII ch. IV 2, cf. lib. VI c. VII 9.


Mutilation: beard torn off with the skin (and cheeks).

ÖOdd 136 (FAS II 256);
(y.) Bósa 90 ch. 6;
SörlaSt 423-24 ch. 8;
Þiðr II 54;
OrmSt 530 (FMS III 224; FjÍsl 218);
Amb 126 ch. 23.


»Blood-eagle« cut on man's back by flaying and salting.

Skj I 232: Knútsdrapa ca. 1038;
Reg 26 =
ÓláfTr ch. 286 in Flb I 352 =
Nornag 64 ch. 4 (FAS I 328);
HaraldHárf ch. 30 in Hkr I 141;
Orkn ch. 8;
OrmSt 531 (FMS III 225);
RagnarL ch. 17 (18) (FAS I 292);
RagnarS 463 ch. 3 (FAS I 354);
Sigþ 127 ch. 10 (owl instead of eagle);
Saxo lib. IX c. V 5 =
Herrn 656;
cf. Vries 131.


Mutilation: breaking (two, three) ribs.

cf. F624.3.1.
Bisk II 118;
SörlaSt 424 ch. 8;
HálfdE XII 12 (FAS III 536);
EgÁsm XII 10 (FAS III 391);
Þiðr I 362;
OrmSt 521 (FMS III 206);
FlóresS XV 2;
Bæring 89, 96 ch. 5, 14.


Conversion to Christianity.

Ldb ch. 3;
Skj I 158-59;
ÓláfTr ch. 76 in FMS I 137-38;
Þórhalls þáttr knapps in Flb I 439-41 (FMS II 229-32);
OrmSt in Flb I 529 (FMS III 222, FjÍsl 215);
EgilSiðuH 141-48 (FMS V 321-29, FjÍsl 15);
EiríkV 30-32 ch. 2 (FAS III 662-67);
Yngv 43 ch. 12;
Sigþ ch. 3;
Amb 64-70, 164 ch. 12, 34 (33);
Þiðr II 358;
Bevers 209-67, esp. ch. 34-35;
Flov 124-208.


Conversion to Christianity through miracle: usually because the adversary's god turns out to be the stronger.

Njála ch. 103;
ÓláfTr ch. 27 in Hkr I 302, ch. 70 in FMS I 129, by Odd ch. 15, ch. 235 in FMS II 267-74;
ÞórNef in FMS V 319 (FjÍsl 362-63)/
cf. H221.2/
ÞorvV in FMS I 261-64 (FjÍsl 482-87);
Þiðr II 362;
BárðSn 38-45 ch. 18-21;
cf. ÓláfTr ch. 60 in FMS I 107, ch. 173, 253 in FMS II 75, 325, by Odd ch. 73 (61);
OrmSt 529-30 (FMS III 222, 224, FjÍsl 215, 218);
Ögmundar þáttr dytts ok Gunnars helmings in Flb I 338 (FMS II 75, FjÍsl 521-22);
man promises to convert to Christianity or to go on pilgrimage if God helps him in difficulty (cf. M266):
Hávarð ch. 11.